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Buying all new clubs

Sun, Jul 19 2020 6:58 AM (13 replies)
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  • uscheese
    18 Posts
    Tue, Dec 3 2019 6:16 AM

    I completed enough ad watching, offers etc to build up over $10,000 credits and want to buy all new clubs/balls.  Would I be better off to wait for club sales if I'm not in a rush?  Or to hope to get free rentals that I could buy after renting for a discounted price?


    How often do club sales happen?

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Tue, Dec 3 2019 6:38 AM

    Don't go to crazy buying clubs. Your are a tour pro L-75.

    You need 5 more levels for the good wedges. 60,80 and 100. Your irons are good for now. Your Driver is ok, you might need longer at Master.

    Wait a little while to get your levels up. Your just going to have to buy more clubs latter.

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Tue, Dec 3 2019 7:06 AM

    First 10,000 credits is not enough for some of the clubs that you are about to find available. You are at a point where some of the clubs you buy are going to be the last you will ever need.

    Starting at level 76, one above where you are now, you will be able to purchase the 56* Titleist wedge followed at 78  with 60* wedge and then the 64* wedge at 80. These wedges work nicely and are evenly spaced. They have the same specs as the Clevelands that are no longer available but are still widely used. Once purchased you should not need to buy another wedge unless you break one. (Luckily breakage is not programmed into the game.)

    When you move to Master you will find that the courses will play longer. The TaylorMade M5 driver might be nice to have from the deeper tees and could still be used from the Legend tees when paired with a good 3w and a iron set with a 225 yard 3i in it.

    You will want to drop the hybrid soon so that you can carry 3 wedges.The Ben Hogan iron set that is available to you now would certainly get you through the Master tier before needing to be replaced. 

    But, by all means, keep going for those "free" credits. You will need them.

  • uscheese
    18 Posts
    Tue, Dec 3 2019 7:15 AM

    Thank you both for your replies, greatly appreciated.  The only problem I have with the Hogan set I can get now (it's actually on sale today) is that the meter speed is 3.5.  I have a 2.5 3 Wood and I'm going to trade it in, I can't stand the faster swing meter.  Would different balls with a slower meter help me there?  Or should I wait until I can buy irons with longer distances and a slower meter speed?

  • alosso
    21,099 Posts
    Tue, Dec 3 2019 12:42 PM

    Starter balls work well with Starter clubs but result in a quick swing speed with custom clubs. Some players deal with it, even like it, but most of us must switch to pay for their balls. You may know that they get lost and have a limited number of strokes, generating a steady income for the company.

    Good thing is, you can start at the top of the list, B-ES make a difference! Tour-SD, Srixon and L33 Callaway are a tad better.

    Concerning your desire to spend on clubs, there's a caveat: I see that you don't play a lot though you're a long time member. Spending on clubs will raise your game and your tier, resulting in the need for other, better (longer) clubs. Careful what you wish for!

    That said, may I propose The L58ish Ping irons? It's good quality, high trajectory(!) but not too expensive.

    More important but higher in level are good wedges. Consider a set of 50-75-100 yds or 60-80-100 yds, like the Titleist Vokey from L76 (NOT the 52° below!). Drop the Starter hybrid.

    Have a look if you have a "Beginner" putter in your bag - it may be better than the Starter, and it's free.

    These clubs will bring you through Master and Tour Master, and once you think that you're putting better than your inclusive putter, consider to buy one.

  • uscheese
    18 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2019 6:29 AM

    So I've decided to wait until I get into the 90's so I can buy the top of the line gear.  I figure it will cost me somewhere in the 25,000 range and being that I'm at level 77 now I feel like I can get close to that many credits while ranking up...may take a few months.

    Thanks for all of the help and advice.

  • alosso
    21,099 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2019 7:20 AM

    So I've decided to wait until I get into the 90's so I can buy the top of the line gear.


    You may want to think this over, because it might take a serious amount of time:
    The XPs for L90 are about 250 % (!) of your L77:

    L77 ca. 185.000 XPs

    L90 487.000 XPs


  • uscheese
    18 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2019 12:21 PM

    Oh wow.  Does the amount of XP you get for playing daily go up as well?  That seems a bit insane.  Although it may take me that long to get 24,000 credits the way that's going.

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2019 1:47 PM

    To level up you need to play something EVERY day to get maximum experience points. Belonging to an established level 20 country club will get an extra 10% in personal experience points every time you use a pass. A level 5 club gets you a 2% bonus. 

    By playing every day you will quickly build to a base of 880 experience points given with the first game played each day. (This can be playing just one hole or even taking just one hit on a ball.) Thereafter, each day you play 3 points is added to the base.

    Playing in an 18 hole tournament gets 400 bonus points. So the first round of each day could bring you 880 + (3 x cdp) +400 plus the country club bonus,

    If you play 50 consecutive days you could get 880 + 150 + 400 + 29 =1459 for your first round if it were an 18 hole tournament and you continue as a member of your current country club. Day 51 would see the total go to 1462.

    After the first round played would NOT get the 880 + (3 x cdp)  added but would get the other experience points.

    Had I not missed days at different times I would be getting over 9000 experience points with my first round. As it is I get about 3000 to start each day. 

    It pays to play every day if you want to level up.


  • alosso
    21,099 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2019 1:49 PM

    Does the amount of XP you get for playing daily go up as well?
    It does, but only linearily, not progressively like the level XPs. It's a grind, just like the saturation in tiers from Legend up.

    Therefore, you might want to reconsider the Pings for more fun NOW(!)

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