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Update News

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Mon, Oct 17 2011 9:53 AM (26 replies)
  • brutusbucki
    84 Posts
    Wed, Sep 7 2011 10:50 PM

    You guys read about the new features being put into the game?

    Me neither, excellent job of keeping us updated WGT.

  • manabouttown11
    573 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2011 1:29 AM

    Look and ye shall find.

  • brutusbucki
    84 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2011 8:40 AM

    Most game companies put out patch notes before the actual patch comes out....

    Just sayin...


    That blog didnt hit until the patch was done, not very good customer service.

  • billcliff
    2,616 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2011 9:15 AM

    nitpicking again

  • brutusbucki
    84 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2011 9:38 AM

    must be nice to go thru life with your head in the sand....

  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2011 9:43 AM

    Must be nice to think about only the bad things in life... I'm surprised you don't even care about the updates in the first place.


  • brutusbucki
    84 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2011 10:17 AM

    I would love to know what is coming up in an update, before the update actually happens. 

    Novel concept I know, but every other game company does this. 

    Telling us what happened after they put it in is basically useless.

    What is bad about asking for information that we should have had last week? 

  • TarheelsRule
    5,610 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2011 10:22 AM

    WGT does a pretty poor job of telling us what is coming in the updates.  I think the reason is that over the last few years we have been told an update is coming, say new pins at Oakmont coming soon, then we badger them for 2 months about when.  You can look at their roadmap and get an idea of what is coming in the future, I think that they have taken the approach of giving general time lines so they don't have to disappoint the community.  I have no problem with their approach, I check the news every day and when I see something new, I look into it and enough the update.

  • matthew287
    22 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2011 10:28 AM

    every 1 got a notice that they were shutting wgt dwn for updates every 1 should know if they listen and has been a wgt member a while that wgt has said to look at the latest news for the details of the new and recent updates. hate to read every 1 complaining about something that wgt did when no 1 does any research for themselves.

  • brutusbucki
    84 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2011 10:44 AM

    We didnt even know there was going to be a maintenance until 5 hrs before the site went down.... Nowhere on the forums or in the news section was there anything about it.

    What does that have to do with them giving us a heads up a week before the put the patch out? They knew last Thursday that they were going to do this, so why would they not tell us then? How hard is that to do?

    They knew what they were going to put in the patch as well, so why not let us know alittle bit about it? It could cause a buzz in the community and maybe bring back some of the players who have been inactive. I would imagine their ultimate goal is to make money, but keeping everyone in the dark until they actually do anything is not going to do that.