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Tue, Jan 12 2021 4:39 PM (1,625 replies)
    3,174 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2020 9:16 AM

    3,174 Posts
    Sat, Jan 4 2020 2:23 AM

    The  world cup  2020


    Hello all

    This has come round really quick and it’s time to start recruiting for this year’s comp,

    The timing will be the same to start around March but I’m looking to increase the group sizes so there more games will be played as I felt and many did that it finished way too early last year.


    Many of the rules will stay the same and the formats will remain for the group stages and Match play for the knockout stages.

    We will have the Cup and Plate to play for again so all teams will be involved depending on how many teams we get enter.

    I will put a spreadsheet on here to update teams entered and post some rules/courses/captains duties as we go.


    I will be asking Jason to do a live draw again around mid February to put the teams into their groups,


    There are two more separate threads for any sponsors for spot prizes and the other is for live streaming times/links.

    Get your names down teams and lets get this comp on cant wait














  • jack9593
    12 Posts
    Sat, Jan 4 2020 9:48 AM

    Thanks Paul now how do you enter or get put on a team. This sounds like fun.

    3,174 Posts
    Sat, Jan 4 2020 1:17 PM

    hey jack

    just put your name down

    it is legend and above only this year and pc only

    if you can get a squad of 13 players then you are in for 4 to 6 months of playing then you can enter.


  • JSmithers
    1,270 Posts
    Sat, Jan 4 2020 1:43 PM

    Sammich CC is in.  Our name will be The Cold Cut Combos

    3,174 Posts
    Sat, Jan 4 2020 1:48 PM

    thx josh

    youre in

  • f1dget
    4,074 Posts
    Sat, Jan 4 2020 8:33 PM

    The Hard Beats Nation would like to enter x 2 teams if possible please. Team names and players TBC.

    Many thanks in advance and looking forward to another fantastic event.



    1,249 Posts
    Sat, Jan 4 2020 10:09 PM

    In the GOLFOS UNIDOS CUB..  we are preparing a great team to compete with you. Later, I will pass a list with our team.

    Are there a limited number of members per team? What is the minimum and maximum number of members per team?

    thanks and a happy new year to all


    (owner the club )

    3,174 Posts
    Sun, Jan 5 2020 1:02 PM

    3 teams in so far

    could be a short comp lol

    cmon clubs get them names down

    3,174 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2020 1:22 PM


    In the GOLFOS UNIDOS CUB..  we are preparing a great team to compete with you. Later, I will pass a list with our team.

    Are there a limited number of members per team? What is the minimum and maximum number of members per team?

    thanks and a happy new year to all


    (owner the club )

    hey luis

    its 13 players in the squad with 8 playing each group match then 9 playing the knockout stages,i will post more as we get more teams in but you are welcome to put a teams/s if you want,glad to have you my friend 


    ps a great team thats what we want mate the top teams playing thx