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Weekly Champion Tournament

Mon, Jan 6 2020 2:36 PM (6 replies)
  • DufferJohn7
    3,581 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2020 11:09 AM

    Thank you WGT for a new weekly tournament format. Two 18 hole rounds on different courses with tiered leaderboards. Should be interesting. I'm sure there will be comments both rouinds should be single play (like the weekly multiround). 

    I'm looking forward to giving it a go.

    Have fun and hit 'em straight,


  • TopShelf2010
    10,965 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2020 11:27 AM


  • BPeterson8256
    2,938 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2020 11:30 AM


    Thank you WGT for a new weekly tournament format. 

    Yes... Thank you, WGT


    I'm sure there will be comments both rouinds should be single play (like the weekly multiround). 

    Yes... It should have been. lol

    I love the 2 x 18 hole format, but it would be so much more enjoyable in single play format for both rounds. At least with such a short time for the first round it will be a little bit better. Still... I would love to see it in single play. 

    Cheers   Brett

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2020 12:39 PM

    I understand why WGT does unlimited entry / restarts but from a players perspective it has a number of side effects. I won't even begin to touch on all of them.

    It would be interesting and add another layer of posting a competitive round if WGT could add a "restart" type of penalty like .5 stroke penalty added to your score for every restart attempted. Someone restart 5 times they better make sure they can make up the 2.5 strokes added to their play.

    Some could do so easily, but it would force some to seriously reconsider how many times they restart on hole 1 due to a more challenging starting wind. It would also distinguish between tie breakers a bit.

    Players would then have to think more about how many times they attempt an event while still remaining competitive. another thing it would reveal ... players who consistently shoot low scores after only 1 or 2 attempts... compared to the player that may shoot a comparable score but did so after 20 or 30 attempts. On the scorecard... they both appear to have shot the same score, but the one player is clearly... a much better and much more consistent / skilled player over the other.

    As it stands, all you lose is a few extra ball hits, but when you know you have to shoot absurdly low in the first round to remain competitive, if you choose to play... it seems futile to waste even more ball hits early in a round if you make 1 or worse 2 pars early. I know I have fallen prey to using this tactic at times, feeling it necessary if I wanted to have a chance to remain competitive, but it does not mean it is always best for the game.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,965 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2020 12:46 PM


  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2020 2:04 PM

    I have no idea how to “TAG” a specific player in the Forums, or if it can even be done, so I hope this message is seen. 😀

    WGTChampion, a sincere THANK YOU!! from not only myself but everyone who enjoyed both playing in the “WGT Virtual Tour” and it’s format for the new Weekly Champion Tournament 😀

    The WGT Admin’s and Team DO NOT get enough praise for what they do, and are probably more often used to being on the end of angry and negative comments. So I just wanted to take a few mins and show my utmost gratitude ... 

    I know there was much debate over the replacement of the Virtual Tour events and whether it should be unlimited or single play. I have already clearly stated my options as to keeping the now defunct Virtual Tour format for this new weekly tournament (

    With the introduction of the NEW weekly Champions Tournament, I hope that others can see that having it split into a Round1 Unlimited followed by a Round2 Single Play can accommodate BOTH sides of the argument and hopefully everyone can enjoy it !!! 😀

  • DufferJohn7
    3,581 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2020 2:36 PM

    Another thought about unlimited play rounds. I know this does not meet WGTs business model. Instead of unlimited play BEST score counts why not unlimited play LAST score counts? Would make you think about if it's worth the try to improve your last score.

    While I'm up on my soap box, restarts bother me more than unlimited play. If you start a round you should finish a round. Quiting during a round should mean a disqualification.

    End of rant, don't even know what brought that on. LoL

    Have fun and hit em straight,
