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Sending game invites

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Wed, Mar 8 2023 8:45 AM (13 replies)
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  • ander101
    390 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2020 11:21 AM

    So it's the start of new day, the hour has struck your day play status is red, you re looking to play atl. shot with friends, great, you have 12 that are in green, available, you decide to send invites, first shows up, the next declines, the next no response, the third shows up, two minutes have passed ,still time, waiting for fourth spinning, invite another spinning, when that one shows up, the first invited get tired of waiting and quits, another shows but i see only three players, canceled.

    I am glad Haley Joel Osment is not on my friends list, he might see dead people.

    I actually did have a person say to me, if you do not have players ready to go, do not invite me.

    Is there a WGT crystal ball for sale in pro shop.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2020 1:47 PM

    Drives me crazy when a player is green but doesn't respond to invites. I give 3 separate chances and then remove them from friend list.

    I understand we sometimes forget to log off, but 3 times is a bit maddening for me.


  • callaghan159
    6,457 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2020 4:33 PM

    I hope I didn't so this. Sometimes I get reading the forums when I am green. Usually go red or grey when reading the forums. Sorry if I have done this.

  • brianmartin56
    792 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2020 5:53 PM

    If only the left hand side of the page could follow you as you scroll down.

    I'm sure i have been guilty of missing invites in the past because I couldn't see them.


  • Gepetto1958
    4,311 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2020 7:58 PM

    I usually play with just a little bit of sound to hear the swish of the ball but when I put myself green, I put all the sounds back and the invitations have a particular sound. In this way I do not miss one.

  • SamSpayed
    5,066 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2020 9:11 PM

    Drives me crazy when a player is green but doesn't respond to invites.

    Personally, I don't let it bother me.  If I send an invite to someone and they don't accept within a half-minute or so, I just shrug it off and move on to the next friend who's green.  Life's too short to get all bent out of shape over little things like that.

  • jacktrade51
    11,257 Posts
    Mon, Jan 13 2020 9:08 PM

    So it's the start of new day, the hour has struck your day play status is red, you re looking to play atl. shot with friends, great, you have 12 that are in green, available, you decide to send invites, first shows up, the next declines, the next no response, the third shows up, two minutes have passed ,still time, waiting for fourth spinning, invite another spinning, when that one shows up, the first invited get tired of waiting and quits, another shows but i see only three players, canceled.

    I get your post completely.  Since we are now a member of the same club, I actually just posted a sharp post on that subject (which went into detail on differences between green-red-hidden) in the BD club forum.  And I said, there is no excuse to be green if one is not prepared to respond to a request to a game.

    If one is green and responds no, that's OK.  If green and no response, that is at best impolite. 


  • ffries61
    522 Posts
    Tue, Jan 14 2020 3:23 PM

    Just remember it may be WGT's problem, not the player, myself and 3 others from my CC play together, and the member who sets up the game  conference calls everyone, so here we are, all 4 of us on the phone, all green except Bob who's doing the inviting, and it takes nearly half an hour to get going, because the invites weren't coming thru for everyone.


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