MCalderon402: Will the coins used in Mobile for head-to-head finally be given a value to use them up in the pro shop or convert them to credits to play in Challenge mode Match Play?
This has been asked many many times, I know I did very early on... I was hopeful for awhile that something would change...
Then sponsor apparel came along, the ability to offset the "fee" to play coin matches arose, then we started to observe "coin dumping" among a number of top clubs and the use of Monaco to dramatically distort Turf Wars... during that period people were basically printing coins for themselves with no risk of losing them.
After learning that, I gave up all hope WGT would alter the current use of coins, let alone introduce an option to exchange them. Sadly, it is in part the exploitation of coin games and Monaco that has likely sealed the fate of this ever changing, at least imho.