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Problem Tournament Totally RadShowdown

rated by 0 users
Fri, Oct 22 2021 5:09 PM (8 replies)
  • SevePardillo
    5 Posts
    Thu, Jan 23 2020 2:02 PM

    Im playing this evening the first 3 holes +1, them inmediate 4-6 holes -2’ , and them the system automatíc scored me without playing 7-9 holes with +3 , but i not played this holes.

    them i continue playing the holes 10-12 with no problem.


    im not Sure if the ghost match was 4-6 or 6-9 but one of them i dont play it.

    if WGT can check the tie of the matches we can see that one of them was 0 seconds because i play 3 matches in a row.

    The system include a fourth match that i dont play, and score me +3.

    anybody can sol e this...??

    if they check the time of the matches there was one without time in the midle of the row, that i not played.

    please help me

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Thu, Jan 23 2020 5:09 PM

    Unfortunately this is a common glitch with the Showdowns. They don’t happen as often as before but still do happen. 
    The only thing you can do is contact WGT support and they should refund you your entry credits if you do not advance to the final round.
    I am pretty sure they cannot change the +3 score or allow you to replay those holes.  

    WGT Support email

  • SevePardillo
    5 Posts
    Thu, Jan 23 2020 10:21 PM

    How can I contact with WGT suport??

  • FGraf72
    492 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2020 8:16 AM

     This was my 1st showdown on the app, Wasn't going great, but I was holding my own. Until my last round, when my opponent QUITS.....

      I was -2 after 15 holes, & safe above the cut off line going into my final round. So I bird 16, par 17, Then landed 2foot from the pin on the18th, in birdie position. NoName00, Bails & the round scores me as a +3! Because He Quit, I GAIN +3! THAT Was Bull Mud! A -4 to a +1, & i'm out & done! (insert bad word).

      I'LL Never Play, one of those again!, & I'll spread the word In My CC's Forum.

     *Bad From!, WGT,maybe if I was matched w/a, Tier/level Appropriate Player, this wouldn't have happened.... I feel like I was Cheated & Jaded. A waste of time & coin, Bad Form...

  • RMS1364
    143 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2020 8:35 AM

    similar thing happened to me twice, in this latest showdown. was waiting for opponent on two different instances and timed out while waiting, only to find out that scoring had completed the holes with 3 bogeys, each time,never even getting past searching for opponent, frustrating. wrote wgt, no reply as of yet.

  • CaverNolema
    10 Posts
    Sat, Jan 25 2020 10:25 AM

     Same thing happened to me. It had actually happened in an earlier Showdown, but I believe that one was my fault.


    This time I was at -1 going into holes 16-18. The opponent finder kept shuffling through and didn't appear it was going to stop. 

    I cancelled the search to start over. Then, when I attempted to start again I was told the holes had already been played, and round was complete  

    Of course it gave me 3 bogeys which left me at +1 in 65th place. The cut line was a E par, so I was screwed. I don't expect to come close to winning these things, but do take pride in qualifying.


    All I can say is people enter showdowns at their own risk.


    Also....somebody in the thread said they got gigged because their opponent quit. 

    It doesn't happen that way. When an opponent quits the game continues solo until the 3 holes are finished.

  • FGraf72
    492 Posts
    Sat, Jan 25 2020 1:10 PM


    Also....somebody in the thread said they got gigged because their opponent quit. 

    It doesn't happen that way. When an opponent quits the game continues solo until the 3 holes are finished

    Ha Ha...Nope. He quit on the 18th hole, w/me in bird position, I could have been -4 w/that last hole completed, instead i went to +1 (I didn't timeout, the chump bailed, after i landed less than a yard from the hole. Why wouldn't i finish that last shot..LOflippinL). I have No reason, to stretch the truth here. It's Fact..


     I Thought This was a Help forum!!! not a ur wrong forum. I'M NOT NEW TO THIS GAME, (LIKE YOU) Only to the New App. After All The Matches That I've played, Never once Has a Match continued, when My opponent bailed..

    Your Confused, It's a Match, not Stroke Play!

    ...& Dude, who are you! lol , your profile & CC says alot' about that.. 

    Ba bye.. I look forward to you quitting, on me when you're losing..

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Sat, Jan 25 2020 3:13 PM

    Sadly these are not new issues... they have existed from the beginning... here is another thread on the similar issues. 

    BTW.. I have acknowledged the showdowns are a interesting feature for the mobile platform... I believe everyone expected some issues in the first showdown and that was understandable after releasing a new event.  

    Those issues could then be addressed and fixed... but we are now into what the 5 or 6th showdown and some of the exact same problematic issues continue to adversely effect the outcome... that is how people start to lose faith or hope that the event will be fair for all who enter... 

    I sympathize with your frustration, but I myself stopped playing after not seeing the issues get corrected.  Maybe someday that will change.


  • Riffz
    1 Posts
    Fri, Oct 22 2021 5:09 PM

    This just happened to me. I usually just play solo tournaments, or the solo stroke play but decided to try the Monster Showdown. I qualified and now during the 2nd round, elimination round, I had played 6 holes and was at -1 but all of a sudden it's saying I've played 9 holes and am at +2 so that sucks. The guy I was playing during holes 4-6 did forfeit (I was up 2 strokes going to the final hole) not sure if that somehow affects/bugs the game. Pretty lame this is still happening.