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Clash #117 How many matches per club?

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jan 29 2020 6:26 PM (6 replies)
  • waleygator
    923 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2020 1:35 PM


    I'm a little curious with a little over 10 hours left to play in the current clash our club has 3 wins and 6 losses (I know we stink), but we are currently up against "Eagle City Boomers" and the have 9 wins and 6 losses. If each Club vs Club clash lasts 40 hours how can this club have this many matches - 15 . . . and now they are in their 16th clash?

    Can any one explain?


  • TopShelf2010
    10,965 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2020 3:47 PM


  • EdwardTLogan
    504 Posts
    Sat, Jan 25 2020 2:22 AM

    Hey Larry, I'm in the Eagle City Boomers. We definitely only got our 11 match ups in during the Clash. 



  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Mon, Jan 27 2020 6:07 PM


    The answer is quite simple.  WGT has refused to bother to fix an issue on the won / loss records of CCs in the Clash Event.

    Yes, it has been known since Clash #2 - but WGT apparently could care less about displaying it correctly as that makes them no extra money.

    The error in their programming is quite simple: The maximum number of losses for either CCs is displayed as the number for both CCs.

    In other words if we entered into a Clash with your CC and were 0 wins and 3 losses and your CC was 3 wins and 0 losses - well we would show up as 0-3 and your CC would show up as 3-3.

    While it would be nice if after 3 years WGT would fix the error - well this is WGT so all hope is futile...

  • AlaskanDame
    19,719 Posts
    Mon, Jan 27 2020 7:41 PM
    The error in their programming is quite simple: The maximum number of losses for either CCs is displayed as the number for both CCs.
    Ah, I knew it was a "display issue," but never heard the (wrong) calculation involved. So, since the OPs club was 3/6, the 6 showed up as losses for Eagle City Boomers, who finished 5th in the Clash, so they were actually 9/0 when they met the OP's club.
  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Wed, Jan 29 2020 8:57 AM

    So, since the OPs club was 3/6, the 6 showed up as losses for Eagle City Boomers, who finished 5th in the Clash, so they were actually 9/0 when they met the OP's club.

    You are quite correct.


  • jacktrade51
    11,200 Posts
    Wed, Jan 29 2020 6:26 PM


    The answer is quite simple.  WGT has refused to bother to fix an issue on the won / loss records of CCs in the Clash Event.

    Yes, it has been known since Clash #2 - but WGT apparently could care less about displaying it correctly as that makes them no extra money.

    The error in their programming is quite simple: The maximum number of losses for either CCs is displayed as the number for both CCs.

    I can't talk to the specifics of EasyEd's answer … my first club clash was around 60 or so.  But the won-loss records posted on the overall page are notoriously inaccurate.

    So don't sweat that.  Look at past matches page for accurate results.

    And, yes ... 11 matches per clashes is the max.  So if you see a 6-4 record with 7 hours to go, you know it is wrong … and I have seen that.  I have also seen clubs posted at 5-0 when we beat them.

    That said, as far as I can tell, overall points seem to be accurate.
