Hello friends,
I hope everyone had a good Super Bowl and enjoyed this weeks Waste Management Open. It seems there is an issue for me though because everyone is now great at picking one & done players whereas I have vaulted all the way to the bottom of the leaderboard with just absolutely mediocre pick. Congrats to all the people with Webb though and after our random draw I have added the sleeve of balls to pmm711 account. Also, shout out to those who had Tony and just cheer for the guy in general, he will get that second win soon enough... I hope.
Now we get the annual Bill Murray/Clint Eastwood slaparound this week so as long as you have nothing to do, you should be able to enjoy some beautiful views and 6 hour rounds. Here is everything you need for this week and yes... we are playing for a sleeve of balls:
One & Done Sheet
AT&T Pro-Am Field
Player's Used (Still Finishing Up)
Good luck to everyone!
-Judge Smails