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Looking for A Club for a Club vs Club Tournament

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jun 2 2020 2:09 PM (6 replies)
  • BGB666
    3,098 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2020 4:36 PM

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    Bad Moon Rising

    Country Club

    Is Looking To Put Together a

    Club vs Club Tournament.

    We Have 39 Members And We Can

    Muster Up About 12 To 16 Players On Our End 

    That Would Be Interested In Playing.

    Send Me A Friend Invite

    Or Post Your Reply Here.

    I’ll Get Back To You As Quickly As Possible


    BGB666 - Brian

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sun, Feb 9 2020 5:47 AM

    Brian, you should check out Inter Club Tournament that runs weekly.

    We have numerous other clubs all competing using the 9 Hole Single play an 18 hole single play .

    You can have 5,10,15 Person teams on each one.

    Here is the write up on it:

    Deirdre Oliver ~ Or-Can Club, [19.01.20 09:27]

    Interclub Tournament


    The Interclub Tournament (ICT) is a week long tournament with many clubs competing.  It begins every Monday and concludes on Sunday.  We play the WGT weekly Single play Tournaments (tournaments, Event Calendar, Stroke Play) for 9-hole and 18-hole, this way it has a built in handicap for all tiers.  There are teams of 5, 10 and 15 players.  Obviously, a person can only play once per week in each (9 and 18 hole), but a club can enter as many teams as they can get players to play.  The deadline for submitting the clubs scores is Sunday, 6 pm Pacific Time.  So someone from each club will have to be the point guy that gathers all their scores, puts them in some format (see sample) and posts them on the Interclub Facebook page, or sends them to me if they don’t want to do Facebook.  There is now a Telegram Page for submitting scores, too.

    Ideally, that person will submit the weeks teams on Monday prior to play.

    We have clubs with a single team of 5-players, and clubs submitting several teams in all categories (5-10-15 Player) for both 9 and 18-hole tournaments.

    One Wildcard is allowed for the 9-hole and one for 18-hole per club.  So it’s wise to have additional folks playing to have a chance of getting a score lower than someone on a team who had a bad day.

    Any club interested will need to let me, Paul Harper, Gary Kanouse or Don Caron know and we can add the club rep to the ICT Facebook page (preferred)...or alternatively on the Telegram page or arrange with one of us to submit your teams and scores for you.

    Sunday at 6 pm, I gather all the scores from all the clubs and put together the final score summaries, and post them on the FB page for everyone to share with their clubs.  I also post the scores on Telegram on “Friends of WGT” and “Weekly ICT Event Group”.  Then, Monday we submit our new teams and go again.


    Deirdre Oliver ~ Or-Can Club, [19.01.20 09:28]

  • BGB666
    3,098 Posts
    Sun, Feb 9 2020 8:29 AM

    Thanks for the information,  I'll pass this along to our members.  May get a good turn out for it. I'm the point guy so FB will probably be the way I'll go. If I need more info where should I go? 



  • harpski1
    107 Posts
    Sun, Feb 9 2020 12:37 PM


    Thanks for the information,  I'll pass this along to our members.  May get a good turn out for it. I'm the point guy so FB will probably be the way I'll go. If I need more info where should I go? 



    Hey Brian. 

    A simple search on Facebook for 'inter club tournament' and you should find us, I'll look out for your request to join. Its a private group but easily found. 

    From there you can ask questions direct to me ( I started the tournament) or any of the admin. 

    It would be great to have you and your club involved. 


  • Indian55
    2,997 Posts
    Sat, May 16 2020 10:03 AM

    Indianred has done a lot of cc vs cc check us out.. Contact indian55 or longdrvstr8putts.


    Looking forward to hearing from you.


  • amateur4sure
    2,235 Posts
    Sun, May 17 2020 5:16 PM

    Brian shame you were not around a few Weeks/Month or so ago, You could h ave entered a team for Finny`s World Cup, It is great to see new teams having a blast in there.

    Best of luck bud


  • Indian55
    2,997 Posts
    Tue, Jun 2 2020 2:09 PM

    indianred is always looking for a cc vs cc  give me a shout out.
