So its pretty plain to see that this site catches alot of flack for alot of different reasons from alot of different people. But so does the government of each of our respective countries. No one thanks the government for anything good they have done...they mostly concerned with poking a stick at the things that they feel havnt been addressed, or havnt been done correctly.
WGT is by no means to be compared to something as official and golliath as a national government. there's far too little scandal for it to be on that kind of pedastil.
I'd like to outline a few things I personally feel this site have nailed and should be commended for:
1. It's free...
2. The outstanding graphics and game play. These are REAL courses playing pretty much as they really do. Thats an achievment worth a pat on the back in itself.
3. Cutting edge equipment at affordable prices. Not all of us can afford or are even qualified to purchase the best equipment on this site, but they give us the tools to keep us frustrated enough to want to get better at our game.
4. If you're reading this, it means you want to know what other people think about this site, because it is a site that interests you enough, to love and hate it care.
5. Interactive chat and game play with any player you wish to play with at the time that is available. You dont have to play badly alone...that in itself is a boost to you knowing you're not the only one shoveling out a 300 c callaway ball from the weeds.
6. It's free!
7. You level up and it gets harder. We all want a challenge. if it means we want it to get better or to complain about it. We all want's structured in a way that you can learn from better players without being left behind.
8. Any site that give you the chance of winning a car for playing a game you like playing...That's ok by me.
9. You don't understand why you can never hit the same shot twice...The variables make this game as true to the real game as I can think of in any internet game.
10. It's free.
So this is my basic analogy of the site...For all the complaining and carrying on we read in the forums...plenty of which are the most replied to mails...they seem to all forget...This is a friggin awesome site!