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Abusive competitor

Thu, Feb 13 2020 10:56 AM (8 replies)
  • DarthDave2001
    2 Posts
    Tue, Feb 11 2020 9:31 PM to these forums so perhaps this is not the right place for this but played a 9 hole match play and my competitor started off in the middle of the first hole with a deragatory comment to me and it continued throughout the match.  As my younger son sometimes will watch me play, is there anything that can be done to cut this off?

  • TopShelf2010
    10,967 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2020 8:06 AM


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2020 8:29 AM

    You can turn off the chat when your son is watching.

    In other cases, you might want to encourage the rude opponent stating "give me more so I can report more to WGT" regardless if you want to do so.

    My 2 Pfennig: Block the player in your account and forget them!

  • DarthDave2001
    2 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2020 12:53 PM

    Thank you.  I did not know I could shut off the chat feature.  I haven't really used the chat so it will be no loss for me.

  • Woodie312
    671 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2020 7:13 PM

    DD first off let me say I am sorry you had to put up with the attitude from this player. This is a tactic I have seen tried by a few folks over the last couple of years. They do it to get players off their game, or they think it is fun to be an inet tough guy. My advice is go to your account (radio button above the play now) and go to the block players tab. key in the players name and forget em.

    As for turning the chat off, I am unsure about off but you can close the chat tab, it will still show orange if someone types something but you can ignore it. I often play with it closed and will put a small windows calculator over it so i don't see it blink and I can use the calculator for quick dist calcs.


  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2020 2:25 AM

    Stop reading chat at first sign of abuse, plain and simple.

  • pmm711
    5,767 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2020 6:49 AM

    As for turning the chat off, I am unsure about off but you can close the chat tab, it will still show orange if someone types something but you can ignore it. I often play with it closed and will put a small windows calculator over it so i don't see it blink and I can use the calculator for quick dist calcs.

    That blink is definitely distracting and can be used as a tactic vs. the opponent.  This is a great reason to use Scott's tips to get the game less than full screen so you can superimpose a calculator (or pic of your spouse LOL) over it.  Thanks for this tip!

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2020 10:10 AM

    dont need to turn global chat off.

    Just open the players profile and choose Block. 

    This will block all their chat.

    It won't block you from future matches but you'll never see anything they type again unless you unblock them.

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2020 10:56 AM

    I'm surprised no one gave you this advice yet. Make some friends and limit your playing with friends.