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Showdown scam

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Thu, Apr 9 2020 4:52 AM (40 replies)
  • Claudia7466
    9 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2020 6:33 AM

    Watch out for the showdown scam.  
    I have lost twice now because holes 4,5 and 6 were showing bogeys and I didn’t even play the holes.
    it’s been days and still no response from Wgt.
    it’s surely a scam to take your I’ll bet they want me to prove I didn’t play holes 4,5 and 6.  
     It’s a rigged scam so only the players they want to win will win. 
    you owe me 2000 credits Wgt! 

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2020 8:56 AM

    Sorry to hear this... sadly it is a known issue that can occur, depending on the circumstances.  There are various reasons why it happens.  I do believe WGT has attempted to implement a fix for some of the types of this regarding of quitting and improper WD or forfeiting by players.  But it doesn't take into account all of the situations or delays in the match up process.

    I don't know the details, but your situation sounds like the scenario where you may have been sitting waiting on a match... where not getting matched up, so you backed out to see how busy the room was, then restart in hopes of getting a match..

    The problem is there appear to be delays in the screens being updated so despite not showing on your screen the game had made a match but the page had not updated and you could have backed out unknowingly … in turn you then are identified as having forfeiting yourself, which does prompt the 3 bogies.   

    This type of bug/glitch or timing issue has been going on for the longest time, at least 2 years that I know of.  I have reported it multiple times Pre showdowns being used... WGT has often reimbursed me of the coins, but coins are not the issue or my concern.  

    The issue has much deeper ramifications now that showdowns are being played and bogies are input onto scorecards.  

    When people have no idea how long they may have to wait, yes … some get impatient, some if they are on a mobile device may even get a phone call or something else that forces them to back out when they believe they are doing so safely. 

    imho, it seems WGT could fairly easily implement a 45 or 60 timer for a match to be made, similar to the 45 sec you have to wait on a player to take their shot.  If that time expires and no match is made, they should kick you out of attempting to be matched up and back into the lobby thus ensuring you do not back out accidentally.  From what I have heard, this was implemented in the new addition of match play on PC EA when looking for a match, players are "timing out" while looking for a match.  

    If they can do this time out feature in that scenario then it could also be made for the coin rooms.  Unless I am missing something.

    Before when it was just coins, who really cares about the lost coins if you have a sufficient coin bankroll, unless you were playing a high stakes coin room.  But now with showdown - this significantly impacts the scorecard adversely and players confidence in the event.  This too should be fixed!



  • TheSpark4
    42 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2020 9:25 AM

    Still yet to enter one of these things, and not going anywhere near it ‘til I stop reading these posts....would sorely love to, too - a format which, on paper at least, looks fresh and fun to a dedicated mobile player. 

    Turned off to a lesser extent by the prospect of winning balls I don’t usually play (why on earth WGT don’t allow players to choose the balls they actually play up to the same value is beyond me....any decent player has their ‘go to’ ball dialled in and wants to win/play just that).....

    But, it’s these numerous frustrations from honest players getting ripped off by a fault that seemingly can’t, or won’t, be fixed that’s the real turn off. 

    Find a fix WGT and I’m in every time. No chance til then! 

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2020 10:04 AM

    Don't try to match up and exit before the match up or this can happen. if you try to boot up a match and leave while it's spinning  you run the risk of being in that delay where WGT has matched you and you didn't see it yet.

    Also it's not the thing to do if your internet connection is unreliable as that can be another way for you to miss not seeing that you matched up and time out.

    So if you get a lot of internet connectivity messages. Don't try to play showdown at that time.

  • dhjam1
    586 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2020 1:38 PM

    One of my teammates just got hit with 3 bogeys because someone forfeited on him, even though he was able to continue the round

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2020 2:13 PM


    One of my teammates just got hit with 3 bogeys because someone forfeited on him, even though he was able to continue the round

    Ive had multiple people forfeit to me and never been popped with bogeys.

    But i finished whatever holes i had left.

    Did your friend exit the game?

  • dhjam1
    586 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2020 4:32 PM



    One of my teammates just got hit with 3 bogeys because someone forfeited on him, even though he was able to continue the round

    Ive had multiple people forfeit to me and never been popped with bogeys.

    But i finished whatever holes i had left.

    Did your friend exit the game?


    No, he finished


  • Claudia7466
    9 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2020 5:32 PM

    I didn’t get to play...I didn’t see ant game to play...I had -3 on the first 3 and then -1 the next 3 holes Then it showed that it was over and on the 4,5,6 hole we’re bogeys. 

    But I did notice that it’s not in an expert room...I did not play from the expert tees...did not play against expert players...not sure what makes it an expert’s rigged so people who don’t play in Bellagio can play and claim to be expert??? Come on we all see something is very odd about this “expert” showdown.  

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,658 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2020 6:06 PM


    One of my teammates just got hit with 3 bogeys because someone forfeited on him, even though he was able to continue the round

    This is what happened to me in the very first showdown thingy. It has already been discussed in multiple times in the forums and yet, the company's doing nothing but looking on with folded arms.

    Seriously, WGT! You can't just keep on hosting these events with this kind of fatal errors and bugs still ongoing! Have some business ethics! THIS IS GRAVE!

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Fri, Feb 14 2020 12:10 AM


    I didn’t get to play...I didn’t see ant game to play...I had -3 on the first 3 and then -1 the next 3 holes Then it showed that it was over and on the 4,5,6 hole we’re bogeys. 

    But I did notice that it’s not in an expert room...I did not play from the expert tees...did not play against expert players...not sure what makes it an expert’s rigged so people who don’t play in Bellagio can play and claim to be expert??? Come on we all see something is very odd about this “expert” showdown.  

    when you first open the tab at the start of the showdown it defaults to rookie 

    across the top you will see three banners.

    rookie veteran and expert.

    choose whichever you wish.

    if you dont change it. you will be playing in rookie league.


    expert doesn't play in bellagio tho...

    it plays in montreal which is the M/TM tees.