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Congrats to the Live Series Qualifiers

Fri, Feb 21 2020 3:16 PM (24 replies)
  • TopShelf2010
    10,965 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2020 5:24 PM


  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2020 6:23 PM

    It's the same qualifiers every time.  Boring.  Not blaming the qualifiers, it's the format that's the problem.

    Unlimited play = it will always be this way.

    Single play is the only way to mix it up and make it less monotonous.

    Take the showdown leaderboards.  New unrecognized players.  That's great for the game.

    Luked9...loved watching him play in Abu Dhabi...who knew Luke before that event?  

    C'mon WGT go single play.  Get different people playing in these.

  • Kenher01
    1,151 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2020 6:27 PM


    It's the same qualifiers every time.  Boring.  Not blaming the qualifiers, it's the format that's the problem.

    Unlimited play = it will always be this way.

    Single play is the only way to mix it up and make it less monotonous.

    Take the showdown leaderboards.  New unrecognized players.  That's great for the game.

    Luked9...loved watching him play in Abu Dhabi...who knew Luke before that event?  

    C'mon WGT go single play.  Get different people playing in these.

    Hey Brad,

                    Agree it would be nice to see new faces & as you said prob the unlimited format that's the prob but March may see some new faces as from March onwards the Live Series will be New Version only (Not Flash) so i would not be surprised to see Luke & other a few other players, prob be a mix of old faces with new one's


  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2020 7:48 PM

    That'd be sweet Ken.

    Now if we could only get single play to mix it up a bit and who knows maybe some who just "have a round" qualify vs. having the usual suspects whom given endless opportunities will eventually shoot 52.

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2020 7:49 PM

    Honestly I don't think you will ever convince WGT to switch from Unlimited to a straight Single Play event. There are many reasons for this which have probably been discussed at length in many other posts so there is no point in bringing them all up again.

    BUT, there are couple changes that could be implemented to help bring a bit of diversity to these events.

    1. Have an 18 hole, Single Play second round. Possibly with a 90 sec shot clock and a set number of timeouts.

    2. Have a second round Bracket Tournament similar to the eTour qualification.


  • birchi
    1,492 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2020 7:51 PM


                    Agree it would be nice to see new faces & as you said prob the unlimited format that's the prob but March may see some new faces as from March onwards the Live Series will be New Version only (Not Flash) so i would not be surprised to see Luke & other a few other players, prob be a mix of old faces with new one's

    I don't have any reliable information on this, but my understanding is that the EA only rule only applies to the actual live event, not the qualifier, so it shouldn't have an impact on the composition of the field.

    Maybe an unpopular opinion, but generally I don't really mind not having random players in these fields and see the same familiar faces every time. After all this is an attempt to establish an esports event and for that you'll need recognisable players, not an ever-shifting field.

    That said, I think a 2-round setup with one unlimited and one single round would be better because it ensures that you'll have a group of around 20-25 players competing for the spots and don't exclude players like JoeMaverick or Naturali who clearly belong to the top 10 of WGT, but are not willing to mindlessly restart the round over and over again (Have not talked to them about this, but I assume that's the reason they're not participating in the Qs).

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2020 8:00 PM

    I don't have any reliable information on this, but my understanding is that the EA only rule only applies to the actual live event, not the qualifier, so it shouldn't have an impact on the composition of the field.

    I forgot about this but during the January WGTLive Series event WGTChampion mentioned in the live stream comments that at some point in the near future (1-2 months) that the qualification for the Live Series would be switching to PCEA only.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2020 9:20 PM

    With the unlimited qualifier, i would bet the ball usage was phenomenal.

  • carlosdev
    2,568 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2020 11:05 PM

    Hello :)

    Congrats all winners.


    I would like n love to see and will participate myself if it's

    Single Play 

    Incase won't even consider, then how about limited tries like 1 to 5, may be.

    Coequal Winds

    :) :) 

    - Varun 

  • bluey403
    1,533 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2020 11:23 PM

    I agree 100% with you buddy

    Make the qualifying in 3 stages

    Week 1 : unlimited - 150 progress

    Week 2 : single - 60 progress

    Week 3 : single - 10 players progress

    ballot to decide on ties, reverts to overall scores

    It would be very competitive and give guys like us a chance to dream/hope to break into the top 60 atleast