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Fri, Feb 28 2020 11:56 AM (22 replies)
    6,890 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2020 2:55 PM

    Its this simple... as stated by WGTChamp awhile  back and I quote "I am sure dedicated flash players will find a way to continue playing on flash" ( or something very close to that)...So I think many are overreacting to the supposed demise of "Flash" as long as WGT keeps the flash version running we will find ways to play well beyond the "DOOMSDAY" date of Dec 31st 2020....Wait and see....


    I found it from older post.....


    The likelihood that dedicated Flash players find new browsers that continue to support flash is very high.
  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2020 3:10 PM


    I agree with you Don, i will play a bit just for my CD but unless wgt can match the Pc i don't care as the putting is poor. 


    I disagree with the word 'poor' and would say instead that it is different. I really struggled with it to begin with and there are still short downhill breakers that give me the sweats, but my putting on PCEA is now pretty close or better to what I'm used to on flash.

    But I fully switched to the PCEA last month because I want to go on playing once flash is done and I don't see any point in waiting until there isn't much time left to get used to it. I guess there are many players out there who aren't interested in relearning any part of the game, and that's their choice. It's easy to view the PCEA with a very dim eye in that case, but quite frankly I have enjoyed the challenge of practicing my putting, working it out and seeing the steady improvements.

    That's when the game has always been the most fun for me in fact (apart from the social side of matches and altys), so I'm rather surprised at this unexpected outcome but I have to admit that playing the PCEA has actually increased my enjoyment of playing (after a rocky start).

    That's my experience anyway, but I'm sure it could be the same for many more doubters if they just try adapt instead of stubbornly clinging on to flash until the last moment, or just deciding to leave because they don't want to try anything different.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,975 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2020 3:35 PM


  • twinponds169
    3,052 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2020 4:17 PM

    instead of stubbornly clinging on to flash until the last moment, or just deciding to leave because they don't want to try anything different.

    It is not stubbornly clinging to Flash. It's stubbornly clinging to the most realistic golf game on the internet and not wanting to play one of the most UNrealistic golf games on the internet.

    If I wanted to play the mobile version I would have already been doing that long before the PCEA came out.

    I have no desire to figure out or even use all this apparel crap. Have no desire to see the ugly *** cyborg pimp avatars so wonderfully rendered Don't need to putt through the clowns mouth so to speak.

    TopGolf should have left all this crap in their mall stores where it belongs, next to the arcade.

    It's not being afraid of trying something new, believe me, I am actively looking and hoping for something new.

    After 5 years of playing, at close to 2000 consecutive days played, I just don't have the stomach for what they have turned the most awesome game I've ever played into. Plain and simple.

    And in this day and age of technology, was forcing the mobile game on us the only way out of Flash? Or was it just the cheapest and easiest?.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2020 4:40 PM

    And in this day and age of technology, was forcing the mobile game on us the only way out of Flash? Or was it just the cheapest and easiest?.

    They're making a smart move. Look at the market, everything's mobile. People don't sit home in front of PCs, they carry them with them and that's where the focus is.

    I totally get it and when literally forced to, I will play their version for lack of another decent golf game with such a tremendous community. Just a new learning curve I currently choose to set aside for the moment. 

    I don't expect to be handcuffed by whatever direction Flash and WGT go in, I'll be one of the last PC players playing the Flash version because I have it under control. I'll deal with whatever's forced on me when the time comes but for now, status quo.  :-)


    p.s., A Bluetooth mouse on my iPad took care of the biggest hurdle, it actually plays halfway decent. You friggin guys with the putting horror stories are making me nervous, though.  LOL  ;-)

  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2020 5:33 PM

    It is not stubbornly clinging to Flash. It's stubbornly clinging to the most realistic golf game on the internet and not wanting to play one of the most UNrealistic golf games on the internet.

    Look, I respect your long experience with WGT and your love for it, but that's just hyperbole. Yes the flash version is realistic, mostly because of the photographed backgrounds (in my opinion). The ball physics are also great. Well guess what? The same photographed backgrounds are there in the PCEA version too. I find the ball physics to be similar as well, with the exception of the putting. So to call it "one of the most UNrealistic golf games on the internet" just sounds like an angry snap judgement to me. 

    I have no desire to figure out or even use all this apparel crap. Have no desire to see the ugly *** cyborg pimp avatars so wonderfully rendered Don't need to putt through the clowns mouth so to speak.

    I never played the mobile version before trying the PCEA but the whole "clowns mouth" thing that constantly gets trotted out is getting a bit tired now. I get it though, the apparel is a silly 'magic-clothing-that-gives-you-enhanced-abilities' gimmick that I don't care for either. So I don't use it, and neither will you or anyone else need to if you don't want. Equip your avatar with basic, plain clothing and off you go. You need never worry about apparel again.

    All that said, I do agree that the avatars, balls and flags don't look good. That's my biggest area of complaint, but I also think it is so visually foregrounded that it distracts many players from realising that the flash and PCEA versions are not nearly as different as it initially appears.

    And in this day and age of technology, was forcing the mobile game on us the only way out of Flash? Or was it just the cheapest and easiest?.

    Of course it was the cheapest and easiest, and to imagine that they would have gone any other way was optimistic at best. They already had an alternative version of the game built and running, so they were never going to invest the time, money and resources in building another version. That would have been great of course, but quite frankly I'm just glad they decided to provide something for PC/Mac players at all rather than just leaving everyone to play on a phone or tablet.

    After 5 years of playing, at close to 2000 consecutive days played, I just don't have the stomach for what they have turned the most awesome game I've ever played into. Plain and simple.

    Well, that's a lot of time spent and no wonder you're mourning. But once you find out that you can easily bypass the apparel, the coins, the menu clutter and all the other stuff from the mobile version that may be unappealing and gimmicky, then the PCEA plays in a broadly similar way to the flash version, and that's my primary point.

    I'm not trying to sell it to anyone, I just think having some patience and as open a mind as possible might just extend your enjoyment of the game longer than you currently expect.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2020 8:38 AM

    There are going to be cases where certain players will find it difficult to get flash running on their devices in the future. WGT went out of their way to provide an alternative well in advance to give players the opportunity to prepare themselves.

    I really think you're trying to warn people or something like that but honestly.......WGT gave people the opportunity to do the testing for them, at the players own expense.  How precisely did they "go out of their way" ? 

  • TopShelf2010
    10,975 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2020 8:47 AM


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2020 11:26 AM

    the apparel is a silly 'magic-clothing-that-gives-you-enhanced-abilities' gimmick that I don't care for either. So I don't use it, and neither will you or anyone else need to if you don't want. Equip your avatar with basic, plain clothing and off you go. You need never worry about apparel again.

    The magic clothing is there for a reason, to make wgt money. If you could tell me it will never be used in tournaments you'd have a point.  I am fairly confident it will be, to make people buy it (by then there will probably be super pants that can only be bought with credits) or be at a disadvantage. 

    I'm not trying to sell it to anyone, I just think having some patience and as open a mind as possible might just extend your enjoyment of the game longer than you currently expect.

    This isn't in reply to the above in particular but there seems to be a general attitude that those don't like the new game have an unwillingness to adapt.

    We have all adapted, often, some more than others maybe.  We started with clubs and balls that meant you had to account for a lot of roll, got new courses where we had to contend with not being able to reach some fairways, more courses that had to be played in different ways, longer tees, more and more spin and height and much more.  Most of all I smile when those that have told us uel is unrealistic although they've not tried it much (often the same people that use charts, usually made by others, for just about everything) now say those who don't like the new game are being lazy, not adapting etc.

    For the record I don't like how it looks but mostly I don't like the apparel and where I think it's heading. I've not tried the putting enough to comment but instinctively I like it's different and was resistant to stopwatches etc, for a short while at least. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to adapt, wgt could say they wont use the dressing your dolly stuff in tournaments and there will be some form of uel and I'd be fine with it.  Neither are likely to happen so then it's up to me whether/ how much the new game is worth playing. That's roughly what eveyone has to do, I just don't see the need for reacting to those who say they don't like it as if they've insuled your mother.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2020 11:29 AM


    How precisely did they "go out of their way" ? 

    They very well could have become a Mobile Only franchise.

    The reason they didn't do that is that they think they'd have made less money, that's not going out of their way.

    And I'm sorry but that's also not what you seemed to say.

    There are going to be cases where certain players will find it difficult to get flash running on their devices in the future. WGT went out of their way to provide an alternative well in advance to give players the opportunity to prepare themselves.

    That was surely about the pc game and how WGT had "kindly" given access to it early. Appologies if this sounds picky I've been told you just try to help people, and I've no reason to disbelive that.  I just don't think presenting wgt as some sort of  magnaimous benifactor does that.