Cleveland CG16 52° Wedge (L74+) (115yds):
I made the mistake to buy this wedge. I do not mean that this club is bad, I just mean it was not suitable for the gap I have to bridge. Yes sometime, I don't think enough :) . But it was reported that backspin was working so well even for strongly choked shot that I thought it would be OK.
I tested how much I had to choke to get 80yds or so. Starting from full shot it's around the fourth avatar movements. But then, the shot is not reliable at all, at least this is my experience. Indeed with full backspin, either the ball was stopping almost dead (fine) or it would make a big jump after the bounce and roll quite long.
So if you have to bridge a similar gap (80-105yds) don't use that wedge. Perhaps some players can master this wedge to get reliable shot when they choke a lot but I was not able.
It is strange how clubs react different for different players on here. I'm finding this wedge to be pretty close to accuracy as the CG 60 degree 80 yrd wedge. I have it mapped out down to 83 yrds using -4 avatar movements and full bs, half bs and no bs I can cover from 117 down to 83.
I will say when you choke this club it likes to have bs applied.
Here's a shot that was 103 yrds with a 9mph tail wind. I played it for 98 yrds which is 2 movements down and half bs.
replay.aspx?ID=5127b809 62ab 42d2 93ed 9f640102c134
The reason I bought the 52 degree was because I already have a TM 105 yrd wedge that I wasn't using. I had just bought the 2.0 irons and wasn't sure how the PW would hold greens being choked. The G10 wouldn't hold a green with any tail wind over 10 or so. Especially if choked. So now I only use the 2.0 PW down to 115 which is 1 movement down full bs and use the CG 52 for everything else that gets me to the 60 degree range (85 or so with ts).
I'm still learning this wedge and it seems to have pretty decent accuracy so far. I don't think it's as accurate as the CG 60 degree. But like I said I'm still learning it. The 60 degree is deadly accurate.