AlaskanDame: I’m. having a great Clash so far! Leprechauns are helping. 193-yard HIO at Oakmont and 248-yard HIO on my least favorite hole at Wolf Creek, No. 8.
Big congrats on your shots. I have been commenting on the other thread about the renewal of free passes only coming every 12 hours. It seems there is always an issue in every Clash and it gets tiresome.
The bigger issue for me is even though I have sent dozens of messages on this forum I still get moderated on every entry and told my first few posts will get this treatment. When do we ever get by this stupidity and get to have our posts go real time in order to keep up with what is happening?
WGT I refuse to buy passes to play in a Clash that you set the parameters for and say I get one every 4 hours but in fact you still only renew it every 12 hours. I guess it will be a low point Clash for me and no doubt many others.