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Club XP and new members.

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Sun, Jan 21 2024 1:03 PM (17 replies)
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  • Paalsonsteby
    7 Posts
    Tue, Mar 10 2020 9:11 AM


    I dont really understand how you get xp for the clan. Me and my friend plays a lot h2h against each other, tournaments, brackets and regular h2h against randoms. He is never getting any xp for the clan and I dont know when i really do, but not very often. We both play with CC pass, so thats not the problem.

    I dont really know if random players can just join any club? I have invited a few players to my clan after meeting them h2h, and they say that they happily want to join, but it seems like they dont do it. Are they just trolling me or whats the problem? They're from many different countries. 

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Tue, Mar 10 2020 10:38 AM

    You only add XP Points to your CC when you use a CC Pass. Any rounds or H2H games where you do not use a CC Pass will only give you the XP points not your CC.  
    If your goal is to add XP Points to your CC then a good strategy is to use the CC Passes on longer rounds (9 or 18 holes) and if you have a Consecutive Days streak going use your CC on the CDP game where you will receive the added XP Points.  

  • Paalsonsteby
    7 Posts
    Tue, Mar 10 2020 11:47 AM

    As i told you. Im using the pass but dont get any xp. 

  • jacktrade51
    11,197 Posts
    Tue, Mar 10 2020 9:29 PM

    In the game one uses a free cc xp pass, whatever type of game it is, the game has to be finished or one gets nothing.

    I have never heard of anyone finishing a game with a free pass and getting no points for the club.  If that is happening to you, you need to raise it with WGT member services.

    The best time, if you have a consecutive day playing streak going (which you do), is on the first game of the WGT "day".  Since you are in Norway, that begins 1 AM (2 AM after March 29) so, unless you are a night owl, your first game of the day.  (It's a little different in the US.  My "day" begins at 8 PM.)

    After you begin a game using the free pass and if you have none left, you will get another free pass 12 hours later.



  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Tue, Mar 10 2020 11:28 PM

    I dont really understand how you get xp for the clan. [...] We both play with CC pass, so thats not the problem.

    Can't look at your profile - homepage seems to be broken.

    My advice is NOT to pay for CC passes, and NOT to use them in H2H or coin room or CTTH games. These games give only very little XPs.

    The most effective way to use the free CC passes (every 12 hours if the pass count is 0) would be to catch the Continuous Day Play bonus (CDP) with a single 9 or 18 hole tournament (or stroke play) game.

    CDP in it's own is >500 for each day above the 9th, rising every day. It will be awarded with the first stroke from tee #1 on a new CDP day (starting at 12 am GMT).

    Tournaments are 180 (9 holes) and 400 (18 hole) when finished. plus strokes plus awards,
    other strokeplay rounds are half of that, 90 for 9 and 200 for 18 holes plus ...

  • jacktrade51
    11,197 Posts
    Sat, Mar 14 2020 8:56 PM


    My advice is NOT to pay for CC passes, and NOT to use them in H2H or coin room or CTTH games. These games give only very little XPs.

    The most effective way to use the free CC passes (every 12 hours if the pass count is 0) would be to catch the Continuous Day Play bonus (CDP) with a single 9 or 18 hole tournament (or stroke play) game.

    +1 on that


  • duggles1942
    538 Posts
    Thu, Jul 15 2021 6:11 AM

    Found this thread while trying to figure out how my XP is being awarded - thanks! very helpful, but I still have a bit of a mystery. My normal routine is to try to play a coin room game as soon as I can in the mornings (normally 7am here). This let's me get my next pass about the same time my consecutive day bonus comes up. When the next pass comes up 12 hours later (normal non clash days) at around 7pm I play another coin room game. I have a long continuous string going and I never fail to get the next day bonus, but my question is:

    Why does my 7am XP equal 25 to 32 or so and my 7pm XP amounts to (NOT including the new day bonus) around 440 to 450 XP In both these examples I'm playing Chelsea 1 hole games. By my estimation I'm getting an extra 400+ XP or so with the approximate same number of strokes, matches and CTTH included. These examples are a typical day and do not include any full 18 solo rounds, or other games or matches or showdowns.

    No big deal, but curious minds want to know. 

    Thanks for any help or guidance.

  • AJ50457
    562 Posts
    Thu, Jul 15 2021 10:25 PM


    Here's my routine... my play window resets at 8 p.m. (I am in Georgia, U.S. Eastern Time).

    I normally play before sunrise with a hot cup of coffee & music playing thru my earbuds. I will start the day off with my 1/2 hour of free apparel sponsorship in the 900 coin room. I will use my FREE CC Pass in the 1st game. If I win my one hole match, I will receive the 900 coins and the Consecutive Day streak bonus of a couple of thousand points plus.

    I receive those XP Points... and my Country Club will receive the same number of XP points.

    Any XP's earned after that time would be significantly lower until 8 p.m. that night.

    I searched for you in the WGT Player list... and see that you are in Arkansas. Therefore, your reset time for the WGT day is 7 p.m. (U.S. Central Time, 6 p.m. when the time changes in the Fall)

    The 1st game you play after 7 p.m. would include your Consecutive Days Played streak plus whatever XP's you would earn in a Coin room or in a tournament, etc. That would explain your increased XP's during the evening play vs. the morning.

  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Fri, Jul 16 2021 10:48 AM

    What AJ50457 said. After 7 pm your CDP bonus kicks in. That only happened once every 24 hours. Also, if you would like to get even more XP for your club, play in one of the clubs in house tournaments. It will give you more XP vs. playing in a coin room game.

  • duggles1942
    538 Posts
    Fri, Jul 16 2021 12:10 PM

    I think I already understood most of what you guys are saying. Just to be clear, I'm hearing you say that the CDP is what WGT calls "play around tomorrow" for Bonus XP. If so I understood that. In my most recent example I received 36 XP for my morning Chelsea match and after 7PM WGT showed I would receive 1888 XP plus whatever I would have received without the Bonus (I'm guessing about the same 30 to 40 XP, but what I actually received for that bonus match was the 30 to 40 I would have expected plus an additional 400 or so. That gave me a total of about 2340 for two 1 hold coin games.  

    so.... the heart of my question is: where does that extra 400+ XP come from? Is it an additional bonus on top of the 1888 XP extra for that day? 

    thanks for the replies! Still curious....

    also wondering why - although I check the box "Email me replies to this post" I don't receive them. I still get other WGT emails and promotions. I may have screwed up a setting somewhere.... 

    Hit 'em straight, but play the wind!


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