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can someone explain apparel and sponsorship?

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Sat, Dec 23 2023 11:23 PM (17 replies)
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  • essvee
    5 Posts
    Wed, Mar 11 2020 7:24 AM

    Hi all. I'm wondering two things. When I get apparel during sponsorship play, it has those split numbers and the R&D numbers attached to the specific item. Can anyone explain what those mean? the attributes don't seem to change in my apparel, but should I be switching to something that has a big split number, like 160/2?


    Also, is there a way to understand how apparel gets awarded during sponsorship play? It seems quite random. Thanks for any help.

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Wed, Mar 11 2020 8:20 AM

    The way Apparel works is that each time you receive an apparel item in your sponsorship box it also has a numerical POINT value (1-50) depending on the level of the box. As you accumulate those Points you will see the split number increase.

    Each apparel item has 10 levels which you can unlock by first getting enough points for the next level and then, through your Edit Apparel in your profile upgrading that item. This does cost Silver coins as well but will increase the abilities of the item and depending on the level unlock different colors.

    The split number of 160/2 for example means that to upgrade to the next level you need 2 points and you have 160. If you upgrade the item it will change to 158/10 (10 points required and you have 158) This continues all the way to level 10 which requires 1000 points.  If you see an item with a split like 25/100 then that means that you need 100 points to upgrade but you only have 25 and will need to accumulate 75 more points.

    As far as how apparel is awarded, you chose which sponsor you wish to receive apparel from. There are 5 sponsors and they need to be unlocked by playing games with the sponsor active. You are only guaranteed 1 item from your chosen sponsor and any other items can be from any of the 5 sponsors. Which items you receive is totally random.


  • essvee
    5 Posts
    Wed, Mar 11 2020 9:15 AM


  • essvee
    5 Posts
    Wed, Mar 11 2020 10:15 AM

    One more question. Do the sponsors differ in any way? Like, SE and C&M weren't unlocked for quite a white; does that mean that their apparel is better than the others? Thanks again.

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Wed, Mar 11 2020 10:38 AM

    No there isn’t really one better than the other. The reason that it’s done where you have to unlock them is to get you to play the game more ... something to achieve by playing more. All the items have different attributes so you really need to look at that to see what items you feel will help you out the most.  

  • TerryN1013
    109 Posts
    Wed, May 20 2020 12:22 PM

    How do I change sponsors?

  • bossbird
    2,240 Posts
    Fri, May 22 2020 8:09 AM

    When you tap play now , if sponsorship is available you will tap on whichever sponsor you want to play for that next half an hour.  Every five hours you can if you wish chose a new sponsor or you can stick with one to try and get that level to max ASAP. Bear in mind To get to max you not only need the required level of points , but you also need coins , each time you level an item up.

  • BrianCheese
    45 Posts
    Fri, Feb 26 2021 5:18 AM

    I've read this a couple of times and I still don't quite understand what you mean. 

    When I started on the new app and started playing H2H games, I seemed to get lots of items unlocked quickly, but despite playing at least 40 H2H games a week now I seem to be getting no closer to unlocking other items.

    I also didn't understand what you meant by the way the scoring is worked out; everything I have, whenever I win or lose, always appears to be a number/2 - does that mean that I'm on Level 2 for everything? How do you increase levels or is it simply another method to get you to play more often and purchase sponsorship? I get the impression the free sponsorships you get are simply not enough to get you further up the food chain and like the gold coins, unless you have more you cant do much.

  • bossbird
    2,240 Posts
    Fri, Feb 26 2021 1:23 PM

    If you access your apparel items you will be told what numbers you have achieved for each item . But in order to go up in the levels to the ultimate level 10 you have to upgrade the item , by spending coins . The higher the level on the apparel item the greater the enhancements , and the more choice of colours you will have .

  • BrianCheese
    45 Posts
    Tue, Mar 9 2021 7:46 AM

    Ah... so you can't just earn them? It allows you some but the rest you have to spend money on? Why am I not surprised?

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