I have indeed. The curious thing is, I opened the Task Manager, looked under Processes- and there is no WGT App. Nor is there a WGT Launcher App. In fact, even though I have been playing WGT on my laptop for a number of years, apart from the shortcut there is no other evidence of WGT.
I looked in my Programmes List, and the Launcher at least was listed.
So none of these methods worked for me- even if I run them as an Administrator.
What I did in the end was : reduce the zoom on my google page from 100% to 50 %, and move my ribbon to the left of screen.This then gave me just enough screen to click on the tiny bit of the settings logo poking out from the bottom of the open launcher.
That allowed me then to navigate to the Video options in the app, change the screen size to 16x 9 and then click on full screen. Lo and behold-- it now fits, I can access all functions, and my ribbon still fits at the bottom where I prefer it.
Not the sharpest picture, but with Avatars that look like they put their fingers in a wall socket, and silliness abounding everywhere ,maybe that is not a bad thing ...
So my fix yes is a crude methodology perhaps-- but sometimes knowing bugger all about something allows trial and error to win the day !
Now all I have to figure out is how to adapt to the loopy, clown like world of early access !!