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contact friends

rated by 0 users
Fri, Apr 3 2020 12:46 PM (2 replies)
  • JakeDrollinger
    36 Posts
    Wed, Apr 1 2020 11:14 AM

    I want to message a friend. How do you do that on an android phone?

  • JakeDrollinger
    36 Posts
    Fri, Apr 3 2020 5:48 AM

    What I meant was a WGT friend on my list of friends!

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Fri, Apr 3 2020 12:46 PM

    Unless your phone’s web browser can play Flash (and it probably can’t) the only real way to message other players is on an actual PC or MAC computer/laptop as the web browsers on them still support Flash (for now)

    The REAL question is at what point is WGT going to address this issue? Flash is ending, or at least will not be easily available at the end of year and there are quite a few Mobile WGT players who play on devices that do not have Flash capabilities ... can you guys not come up with an alternative that doesn’t require Flash. I know that a Message button was added to the PCEA/Mobile games a while back but it didn’t actually do anything and was later removed. I can only assume this button wasn’t just added arbitrarily and that this was the plan as WGT doesn’t really tell their customers much until after they release/change something ... is this still in the works?

    The MyMessage area on this site also fully functions without Flash. You can send and receive messages with no issues. You just cannot send the initial message as this requires Flash for some reason.