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Questions about products on tablet.

Tue, Apr 7 2020 5:09 AM (4 replies)
  • KylanJames
    13 Posts
    Sun, Apr 5 2020 9:04 PM

    On tablet, is the notebook usable? I only ask as I can only buy it on the wgt website and not in the accessories on my tablet.

    Does the golf bag also show on the tablet? As it's also only on the website and not on the app itself on my tablet. 

    I don't want to spend the credits if the above is not usable or visable on my platform.


    I've noticed a few people mention they remove either their 3wd or hybrid. They then equip another wedge. - I'm looking at upgrading my driver from the TaylorMade m6 Driver Lvl 26 to the TaylorMade SIM MAX Lvl 74 Driver, I've already upgraded Irons from TaylorMade M5 Lvl 10 to the TaylorMade SIM MAX Lvl 64 Irons. But as mentioned as above, with the wedges I like the current wedges I use. I'm very confident with them. I currently have the Gold Wgt 60 and 54 wedges. I'm questioning is it worth upgrading as I can get the distance with the driver and irons, is it worth the extra wedge, when I feel confident with the two I have now for my short game. 

    If I was to upgrade wedges I'd go from the Wgt gold 60 and 54 to the Callaway PM GRIND 52-60 and potentially get a titliest sm7 64 or the TM milled 64. This then leaves me to wonder if I need to upgrade my 3wd and hybrid?

    Can someone give me some insight or their thoughts on this topic? As I'm a Lvl 67Tour Pro and I'm looking to advance and upgrade my clubs as I use them. 



  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, Apr 6 2020 2:24 PM


    On tablet, is the notebook usable? I only ask as I can only buy it on the wgt website and not in the accessories on my tablet.

    Does the golf bag also show on the tablet? As it's also only on the website and not on the app itself on my

    No, neither work on the mobile app or the EA version, whether it’s something WGT implement later remains to be seen. Also any Flash purchased avatar will not be usable in the new game, however there are some new Loudmouth apparel now available.


  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,660 Posts
    Mon, Apr 6 2020 2:53 PM

    This is really dumb when you think about it. They've created completely different items and avatars (thanks Lord, not for clubs and balls), not to mention the playability which makes the two platforms completely separate from one to another, then expect players to migrate from Flash to Unity with no confusions and complaints??

    New Loudmouth apparels?? And jester hat??!! C'mon! Why are you making your own game ridiculous?? Whose idea is this seriously?

    Enough with making new things, it's time to stabilize, WGT. Make old Flash items and game formats available and usable in Unity (mobile/PCEA version). And fix all those annoying bugs. That's what you need to do.

    P.S. : To answer the OP's question, you want to get rid of your hybrid (not 3WD, keep it) and equip one more wedge. Now you're playing with 3 wedges that go 100y, 75/80y and 50/60y respectively so you will have a better chance of dealing with or responding to all different kind of situations around the greens. That's what 99.9% of players I know do including myself. GL

  • KylanJames
    13 Posts
    Tue, Apr 7 2020 5:08 AM

    Yes I do see the loudmouth apparel. Thanks for answering


  • KylanJames
    13 Posts
    Tue, Apr 7 2020 5:09 AM

    Thanks for the answer.