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Looking for active Australian CC using voice comms

Wed, Apr 8 2020 6:13 PM (5 replies)
  • KilsWitcH
    12 Posts
    Wed, Apr 8 2020 2:32 PM

    Hi all,

    I am an experienced online golfer having played Shot-Online (many years), Winning Putt (until it shutdown) and recently with my Winning Putt friends Perfect Golf. 

    Perfect Golf I feel is lacking in the "game" department where there's no levels, no store, no need to upgrade clubs etc. It's more of a simulator.

    I'm looking again for a golf mmo with active things to do and a great bunch of people to play it with. I will be active everyday and am keen to learn and participate.

    I have been through the Country Club section for Australian ones, but they don't highlight what I find important which is whether or not they consistantly use voice comms. Using voice comms helps to get to know people better and helps new guys like me learn the game quicker.

    Please respond to this post with your Country Club name and what type of voice comms you use: Discord, Skype, Team Speak etc.

    I look forward to your responses.



  • Alexvervolf
    400 Posts
    Wed, Apr 8 2020 3:38 PM

    Hi, Kil,

    look for Eagle City Boomers.. we are 19 lvl club with all possible club activities, top 5 team in Clash tourney which means we are very well represented in different time Zones including a lot of guys from Australia...

    We use Discord for voice com and Telegramm for messaging...

    If you like Clash - this main tourney between clubs - welcome to join us.


    Recruiting Director

  • KylanJames
    13 Posts
    Wed, Apr 8 2020 6:13 PM

    Hello killswitch. 

    I'm level 73 master, trying to  build up a club called "World Golf Tour Champions Country Club" I'm in the process of building it big enough that I will be using discord to talk to other members and directors. 

    My plans is too build as big as I can get. I play everyday and have been before this virus lockdown, but only started this years when I broke my rib.

    My plans for the club are to hold tournaments that we play for thought the years but play by the months.  Whilst holding so called mini or small tournaments in between. I want to be able to have lessons for beginners in the future. I want a news feed for My discord that would end up highlighting the weeks playormeven the last two weeks prior.

    I'll probably want MASTERS, legends and champions, eventually. And they would be sub divided  into groups of their name. - master and tour master is just the same. Legend and tour legend  will be the same and so forth. I am open to even expanding that, but I'm trying to maintain a one man show, unless I find someone willing to help me build it if you have a feeling to wanting to potentially help and give input, for maybe what you want in a the way, I'm a fellow Australian but ourncc is for world wide.

    Also there's so much to explain right now in detail but that basically sums it all up. We are level 4 so we are young. But we are coming up the ranks slowly. We have only 24 members and more than half are active daily. - I'll see after the virus, how many I do have left.

    We are friendly. And want to play golf. If interested, message me, or join the club and  hat on my wall for now. I check the website regularly. Good luck and many birds.

  • KilsWitcH
    12 Posts
    Thu, Apr 9 2020 4:28 AM


    I've had a look at ECB and it looks very active. :) I also like that you guys use discord. I've requested you to be a friend and hope that we can have a chat about you recruiting me.

    My main concerns are just expectations you guys have in the CC and how you guys deal with new players and their thousands of questions, because I have them!!! :)



  • dandycap
    1,830 Posts
    Thu, Apr 9 2020 5:27 AM

    You can read about us old duffers here  >>>  504412.aspx

    or knock on the door here  >>>  default.aspx

    We'll be on the lookout for you.

          Joe      director


        PS:    oops Kil.....   were not based in Australia but some of your neighbors belong to our great club.

  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Thu, Apr 9 2020 7:11 AM

    You can take a look here as well. We use Discord with voice chat and meet every night for some h2h games around 7pm CT. USA. 


    We he a few members from Australia, but not many. 


