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Sat, Apr 25 2020 7:38 AM (11 replies)
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  • Rick6208
    2,268 Posts
    Fri, Apr 24 2020 6:00 AM

    There are lots of clubs where the owner has not played in over 2 years, WGT should remove these clubs and let the few remaining active members join active clubs.  I have rescued some of these members and they are very grateful! Most were Masters or below and had no idea how much fun is added to the game being in a active club !

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Fri, Apr 24 2020 6:46 AM

    CCs cost 50 cr or more. You want expropriation against the owners?

    They haven't done it and they won't do it, IMHO.

  • Rick6208
    2,268 Posts
    Fri, Apr 24 2020 10:53 AM

    Most likely they wouldn’t even know their club was dissolved! If they have not played in 2 years can’t see them being upset? And WGT could send them a email warning that this was about to happen

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Fri, Apr 24 2020 10:58 AM

    It's expropriation still.

    Plus, the number of CCs and clients speaks for the company in their marketing deals. Why should they lower these?

  • Rick6208
    2,268 Posts
    Fri, Apr 24 2020 5:59 PM

    The purpose was to get these members out of Dead clubs and to get them involved in ACTIVE CLUBS where they will see a different aspect of the game, the benefit for WGT is that they will be spending more credits in Club vrs Club events etc 

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Apr 24 2020 7:40 PM

    The purpose was to get these members out of Dead clubs and to get them involved in ACTIVE CLUBS

    Don`t you think those players know that they are in a dead club or not . They also know how to leave a club if they want to .Did it also occur to you that they may be happy being where they are ? They play as they wish to and when they want to . They don`t have to answer to anyone for the most part or meet anyone`s play time requirements .

    Spend your time worrying about your club and not some one else`s . Keep your members happy and don`t worry about whats out of your control .

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Fri, Apr 24 2020 8:43 PM

    The purpose was to get these members out of Dead clubs and to get them involved in ACTIVE CLUBS where they will see a different aspect of the game, the benefit for WGT is that they will be spending more credits in Club vrs Club events etc

    Given that members of inactive CCs tend to be inactive themselves, many would not even notice the change. OTOH, whoever extinguishes a CC should keep in mind that active members are expropriated of the benefits they have, mainly Putter + Shot Pals. Is such shock therapy o.k. against any group of customers?

    So, perhaps you should do your own thing to recruit active members of dead CCs. Don't call on WGT to act in your favour. But wait, is it even a favour to throw those players into a sea of non-members? Isn't it easier to seek in a CC member list?

  • Rick6208
    2,268 Posts
    Sat, Apr 25 2020 5:57 AM

    Some are probably happy with the free shot pal /putter pal but the ones I have recruited or rescued from those dead clubs , had no idea what a Active Club is like and are very grateful to be out of their old club. Having done this on many occasions, that is what prompted me to put this posting up

  • Bowl64
    3,121 Posts
    Sat, Apr 25 2020 6:32 AM


    Some are probably happy with the free shot pal /putter pal but the ones I have recruited or rescued from those dead clubs , had no idea what a Active Club is like and are very grateful to be out of their old club. Having done this on many occasions, that is what prompted me to put this posting up

    I hear you Rick :)




  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Sat, Apr 25 2020 6:52 AM

    I once belonged to an orphaned country club. I use the term "orphan" rather than "dead" because the members were not dead, but rather active. Several of the officers had most of the powers of ownership. Members had permission to create tournaments and we ran weekly events with no owner present. 

    That club still exists with about 20 playing members. Those members could move on, just as I did, if they had a desire. Even better might be for concerned WGT members, such as Rick6208, to reach out to these orphans and invite them to join a different club.It might be a pleasant surprise for these orphans to find out someone wants to adopt them 

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