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turf wars

rated by 0 users
Sat, Apr 25 2020 2:44 PM (2 replies)
  • System3
    47 Posts
    Fri, Apr 24 2020 4:36 PM

    What the hell are turf wars ? Is there a link that explaines them ? Playing the

    new WGT, dont remember seeing them before.

    BTW any way to stop forum posts from skipping every other line ? Others seem to not

    have the problem.


    LFOD !

  • Rick6208
    2,263 Posts
    Sat, Apr 25 2020 2:23 PM

    There Club vrs Club events ! You need a Club Pass to register your score and you can play in what ever room you want ! Go to your Clubs Homepage and ask the question and they can give you more info

  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Sat, Apr 25 2020 2:44 PM

    At one time Turf Wars were reserved for mobile players only in the coin room. Basically, when your club was in a turf war with another club, you use your free country club pass and play h2h with an opponent in a coin room game of your choice. If you win the coin count goes to the total amount won by the club in the 24-hour turf war game. The club with the highest amount of total coins wins the turf war.


    When WGT introduced the PCEA , and the one on steam, PC players can now play in Turf Wars also.

