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Removing mistaken tournaments

Mon, Apr 18 2022 9:01 PM (11 replies)
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  • jacktrade51
    11,200 Posts
    Sat, Apr 25 2020 7:18 AM

    This has come up before, but I would like to raise it again.  Anyone who regularly posts tournaments will sympathize.

    We occasionally make a mistake posting a tournament and want to take it back.  We can correct it for a club brackets tournament by deleting it, but we cannot do so for any other.  Can we make it possible, please?

    Today's mistake wasn't even mine.  It was a WGT computer glitch.  I post a 9x3 tournament at St. Andrews and get a message "your club is not qualified to modify tees."  As a level 19 club, BD is.  And, I didn't, it was default tees.

    So I go back and re-check settings, they were correct, and hit post tournament again.  Now I have 2 of them.  Since it is a Saturday and I won't hear back from member services until Tuesday at best (which means members will have played both), I am going to let it ride.

    But please, can we create a 24 hour window for tournament creator and/or club owner to delete tournaments that are not brackets?



  • DufferJohn7
    3,581 Posts
    Sat, Apr 25 2020 2:06 PM

    Second this proposal!


    6,890 Posts
    Sat, Apr 25 2020 2:58 PM


    I have had to email CS for this issue I don't know.... 20 times over the last 3 years? Whether its myself or one of the directors OR a WGT glitch during set up is irrelevant ...This has been brought up so many times and all that has to be done is to add whatever option that our bracket tourneys have to delete a tourney?? By either the director that set it up and the owner only....If WGT is worried that it may cause turmoil in the club (say its a credit tourney and the host doesn't like the way its being played and he/her deletes it midway and plays dumb) then they can put the option in the owners tools only if they want? Now I dont think anyone would actually do what I described but then what reason could WGT have for not allowing us to delete our OWN tourneys if there was a mistake during set-ups? There have been a few times that we have had to email CS to remove a duplicate and has taken them 3 days or more frustrating lol....


  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Sat, Apr 25 2020 4:10 PM

    I also posted this in the PCEA section of the forum, but I accidentally created two identical tournaments this morning. I was in PCEA creating a single-round tourney and when I got to the end it told me I couldn't publish it because our club had reached the maximum allowed number of tournaments (not true).

    So I created it in flash without a problem, only to find the PCEA one had published anyway so now there were two.

    Since it is a Saturday and I won't hear back from member services until Tuesday at best (which means members will have played both), I am going to let it ride.

    I emailed them this morning and got the standard "we're looking into it" reply, but I don't expect to hear anything else back as I didn't request one of them be deleted.

    Anyway, +1 from me too about being able to delete a tournament if no-one has entered it yet.


  • kipdog87
    2,073 Posts
    Sat, Apr 25 2020 5:08 PM

    I also set up most of our cc tourneys, whenever this happens i now know just to carry on as this has been a very old wgt problem.

    When i was a member of the Georgian i also got the same message, and we were sometimes a level in front, good old wgt lol.



  • jacktrade51
    11,200 Posts
    Sat, Apr 25 2020 8:21 PM


    I also set up most of our cc tourneys, whenever this happens i now know just to carry on as this has been a very old wgt problem.

    When i was a member of the Georgian i also got the same message, and we were sometimes a level in front, good old wgt lol.



    I know it is a very old WGT problem.  Said that up front.  I was just making another plea to fix it.



  • jacktrade51
    11,200 Posts
    Sat, Apr 25 2020 9:47 PM

    So, JDG, that is why I said 24 hour window.  It could be 1 hour and that is better than nothing.

    If it is a club tournament, we are not going to screw our own members.  

    (That is precisely why I am not going to ask WGT to take down the duplicate on St.A in our club.  3 days from now, too many will have played it.)

  • GBP1705
    2,607 Posts
    Sun, Apr 26 2020 5:27 AM

    I requested this over a month ago from WGT and was told it would be passed to the department who deals with this. 

    ! week later I received an e-mail asking me to give feedback. I told them that I had had no response to my request and would appreciate an early reply.

    To date I still have had no response from WGT. 

    I know the whole worlds in lockdown but according to WGT themselves they are able to fully support the game as they can work from home remotely.

    Come on WGT get your act together and work something out on this.

    It's good to know that I am not the only one who has asked for this to be done.


  • Beryman
    9,099 Posts
    Sun, Apr 26 2020 5:58 AM

    We occasionally make a mistake posting a tournament and want to take it back.  We can correct it for a club brackets tournament by deleting it, but we cannot do so for any other.  Can we make it possible, please?
    totally agree that the owner should have the option to delete any club tourney within a reasonable time frame (say 12 hours of being created)

    your statement about being able to correct a club bracket tourney by deleting it is only partially must be a club bracket tourney that is not yet full...i am all but certain once a bracket tourney is full it also cannot be deleted and probably rightfully so

  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Sun, Apr 26 2020 8:21 AM

    your statement about being able to correct a club bracket tourney by deleting it is only partially must be a club bracket tourney that is not yet full...i am all but certain once a bracket tourney is full it also cannot be deleted and probably rightfully so

    This is correct, but I'm sure that's what the OP meant.

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