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Good Clubs?

rated by 0 users
Sat, May 2 2020 2:18 AM (7 replies)
  • TalonPlays
    12 Posts
    Fri, May 1 2020 7:18 AM

    Hey there


    I've recently started focusing on getting my stroke average down. Maybe not ready for Master tier yet, but I want to be able to consistently break 70/35. I've started noting where I lose a few shots, and here's what I've noticed.

    1: My short game is WEAK. Especially from greenside bunkers. 

    2: Recently, I've gone down from mid-70s to low 70s after a few lessons on putting. I never 3 putt unless the break is very difficult to determine how much break to play. 

    3: My irons can consistently get me inside of 25 feet, but on holes where the front of the green is guarded by bunkers, I know that if I carry the bunker the ball will either roll out to the far rough, or give me a 15 footer if it stops.

    4: My driver is consistent. Very, very consistent

    5: My 3 wood is complicated, I either hit it exactly how I want, or I misding it terribly. 


    I use starter clubs and basic balls, aside from my driver and 3 wood. I know that my 3 wood is subpar for what I got, but I got that a while back. I have roughly 475 credits and I'm not really ready to pour money into this game. Anyone have suggestions for good clubs regarding my scenario?

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, May 1 2020 10:35 AM

    Ad 1 + 3: Your Starter clubs are weak, in particular the wedges. A few items keep the approaches and saves far from the pins:

    Limited performance, allowing nothing less than 70% of power (too non-linear),

    low trajectory, making shot length dependant on up or down terrain and resulting in long roll,

    low spin = no way to stop them rolling.

    Add the wrong advice of chips+ pitches by the caddie, devastating the short game.

    Some Pfennig coins of mine:

    - use only full + punch shots unless the ball will land on the green.

    - lay up if necessary due to bunkers etc,

    - allow for a lot more club in uphill situations.

    - pre-shot routine: Always check club settings incl. putter scales.

    You might want to buy a short wedge of 50 or 60 yds for some serious improvement and tier promotion.

  • DaveDwingdale
    1,240 Posts
    Fri, May 1 2020 5:37 PM

    This may sound like a flippant answer, but:

    Stay out of those greenside bunkers

    Get yourself a high loft wedge, and learn how far full, punch, and after them pitch shots, go.

    Get a feel for landing AND rollout distances.  

    And work hard on your putting.


    And if all that fails: maybe someone will gift you a set of clubs.  (But don't hold your breath on that one.)

    Best of luck,


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, May 1 2020 9:15 PM

    Flop out greenside bunkers.   There is a good post about how to do it.  Just have to search for it.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, May 1 2020 9:49 PM

    Will it work with Starter wedges, too?

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, May 2 2020 12:29 AM


    Will it work with Starter wedges, too?

    Good point.    There comes a time when you have to upgrade clubs

  • bossbird
    2,244 Posts
    Sat, May 2 2020 1:51 AM

    Pro shop sale on now , good buys to be had

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, May 2 2020 2:18 AM



    Will it work with Starter wedges, too?

    Good point.    There comes a time when you have to upgrade clubs

    I take this as a no (?)

    I'd hesitate to flop the Starters because it looks like a better pitch AFAIR.