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Enough is Enough

Sat, Jun 6 2020 7:58 PM (24 replies)
  • OttoPylot
    109 Posts
    Fri, May 8 2020 9:12 AM

    this is all I can say....enough is enough! Comon WGT help us "at homers" with a boost on your servers bandwidth's!!!

  • Robert1893
    7,728 Posts
    Fri, May 8 2020 1:31 PM

    I guess I must be missing something. You actually did lose, right? 

    Are you saying those aren't the correct scores for those holes? 

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Fri, May 8 2020 1:55 PM

    I believe he is explaining that the game locks up and prompts you that you need to Retry or Cancel despite the timer still running out on you due to some hangup that forces you to time out or get your shot off correctly.  It then ends up costing you a stroke at the least, if not a card full of bogies as it has for others, if it leads to a forced forfeit that you can do nothing about.

    Some players appear to have found or figured out a way to prompt this to happen on their end possibly and in turn hindering their opponent from having a fair chance at completing the hole.  

    I think I will continue to sit out the showdowns, the bugs/glitches still haven't been fixed. 

  • OttoPylot
    109 Posts
    Fri, May 8 2020 4:41 PM

    thats pretty close. Im losing these games because of the interruptions in the middle of my shot-clock forcing a time out or loss of the shot control from a rushed shot to keep from being disqualified. in my example I lost that game in just that manner.


  • Robert1893
    7,728 Posts
    Fri, May 8 2020 6:16 PM

    Thanks for the information, Ed. Always appreciated. 

    These threads always seem to confirm for me that I've always made the right choice by not playing coin matches. I don't think I would find them enjoyable. 

  • salamicus
    1,018 Posts
    Sat, May 9 2020 10:26 AM

    Just played first 3 holes of final showdown round. Its still happening , like in previous 4 or 5 showdowns... Having nice chance to make round -2, opponent forfeits...It gives message like this one , which I couldnt read at all btw..


    Tried Retry 10 times..then waited a little .Nothing happened.So I restarted game and saw that it gave me bogey on last hole...So ,high showdown hopes are basically over, just as final round has started..and because of what? Cause I played holes with some random player who is just there to forfeit and nothing else

    Cant believe that happened to me more than once ,and im still playing it


  • JSmithers
    1,269 Posts
    Sun, May 10 2020 4:01 PM


    Just played first 3 holes of final showdown round. Its still happening , like in previous 4 or 5 showdowns... Having nice chance to make round -2, opponent forfeits...It gives message like this one , which I couldnt read at all btw..


    Tried Retry 10 times..then waited a little .Nothing happened.So I restarted game and saw that it gave me bogey on last hole...So ,high showdown hopes are basically over, just as final round has started..and because of what? Cause I played holes with some random player who is just there to forfeit and nothing else

    Cant believe that happened to me more than once ,and im still playing it


    I had a player forfeit against me and this did not happen.   So the question is why is it happening to some and not others

  • 1irony
    415 Posts
    Sun, May 10 2020 4:29 PM



    Just played first 3 holes of final showdown round. Its still happening , like in previous 4 or 5 showdowns... Having nice chance to make round -2, opponent forfeits...It gives message like this one , which I couldnt read at all btw..


    Tried Retry 10 times..then waited a little .Nothing happened.So I restarted game and saw that it gave me bogey on last hole...So ,high showdown hopes are basically over, just as final round has started..and because of what? Cause I played holes with some random player who is just there to forfeit and nothing else

    Cant believe that happened to me more than once ,and im still playing it


    I had a player forfeit against me and this did not happen.   So the question is why is it happening to some and not others

    I had a few players forfeit on me, but I only got the above screen once. I clicked retry a few times not knowing what to do, but the popup kept popping up. Finally, I tried clicking cancel, and it loaded for about 2 minutes, said my shot time expired, and then it gave me a clean slate just minus one timeout, and everything else went smoothly except for my play, but that is a different story LOL



  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Sun, May 10 2020 5:01 PM

    So the question is why is it happening to some and not others

    Great question - maybe you have more clout and could get some insight from WGT.  So, I will try to offer my observations - hoping you can get more accomplished because my emails to customer support on a couple of these issues - are respectfully answered but have yet to be resolved or fixed.

    To start --If players could get some direction on what WGT needs to potentially isolate these issues/ bugs, it may help troubleshooting it.  Do they need our device, the OS, date/time, action attempted by player.. etc..

    One possible factor regarding your inquiry above could have to do with how the player forfeits or exits the game. 

    If the person goes through the proper steps and selects forfeit, which is more likely to happen in a higher stakes coin room where people are more familiar with the game you are able to continue as expected or how WGT hopes to see the game finished when in a showdown.  But even in the 100k room you can run into players that are new to the game but have a silver coin bankroll due to a purchase made.

    One challenge could be in the lower stakes coin rooms people may just randomly disconnect because they are less familiar with the game.  But also, because some players learn they can 'steal a win" if they disconnect or glitch the game in a certain way that disables the opponent.  

    Or, they could simply be frustrated and close their device or reboot their game and doing that may be what is different from those who can finish their games and those who can't, since the opponent didn't exit "properly", so it creates this bug / glitch that prevent those players from finishing their games.

    Either way, they have occured in every showdown that has been played and there are various versions of the bogey problem.  Was hoping to see some progress or an update on it, as the showdowns are a great idea... but in the competitive divisions you simply can't afford to get hit with a bogey let alone 3 and expect to remain in contention.  



  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, May 11 2020 7:30 AM


    Just played first 3 holes of final showdown round. Its still happening , like in previous 4 or 5 showdowns... Having nice chance to make round -2, opponent forfeits...It gives message like this one , which I couldnt read at all btw..


    Tried Retry 10 times..then waited a little .Nothing happened.So I restarted game and saw that it gave me bogey on last hole...So ,high showdown hopes are basically over, just as final round has started..and because of what? Cause I played holes with some random player who is just there to forfeit and nothing else

    Cant believe that happened to me more than once ,and im still playing it


    I'm wondering if its on Steam or the launcher?