Hello all. I'm a player that plays consistently and fairly competitively for the Spring and Summer months, but often totally disappears during the NFL season due to a slight fantasy football obsession (I probably need help!). Even when "away" I do play a round from time to time.
I'm looking for a CC that has a lot of members and can tolerate a player with the attendance pattern noted above. I have always played in a web browser prior to last month. Since my latest return from hibernation I have been using the WGT app on my desktop. The biggest plus is the meter consistence. The biggest draw back is that I love the additional camera angles available in the browser.
I'm not a stat chaser and I'm not someone who is going to grind on xp for myself or for the CC. That said, I am a bit of a perfectionist and it is important to me to consistently improve my game while playing.