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Fri, Jun 14 2013 2:58 AM (7 replies)
  • Cleworthy
    3,468 Posts
    Thu, Sep 22 2011 7:51 AM

    Don't know if this has been suggested before but on replays I would like to see what club I was hitting and a replay of the swing meter.  A lot of times I am using the replay to analyze a shot that I just made that went haywire.  TYVM  C

  • singingjesus
    152 Posts
    Thu, Sep 22 2011 9:28 AM


    Don't know if this has been suggested before but on replays I would like to see what club I was hitting and a replay of the swing meter.  A lot of times I am using the replay to analyze a shot that I just made that went haywire.  TYVM  C

    I agree! This would be a great help for improving one's game, but might reveal more about 'deviations' and such than WGT would like, so I won't hold my breath.


  • ScottHope
    10,666 Posts
    Tue, May 7 2013 4:17 AM



  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Tue, May 7 2013 4:42 AM

    Agreed. The replay should show everything the actual shot shows, including the meter performance. This would show that a lot of "VEM got me!" shots were merely poor choices or poor execution. It would also show truly bad performance of the WGT software in situations where that's the case (WTF shots that are beyond the probabilities suggested by the circles of precision or forgiveness).

  • ScottHope
    10,666 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 2:31 AM


  • ScottHope
    10,666 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 4:23 PM


  • ScottHope
    10,666 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2013 3:58 AM


  • ScottHope
    10,666 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2013 2:58 AM
