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apparel question

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Mon, Jan 11 2021 7:51 AM (8 replies)
  • Fifibagge
    13 Posts
    Sun, May 17 2020 11:40 AM

    I'm sure this has been asked and answered many times, but  I can't find the answer, so I'll ask. I have several rare and epic pieces of apparel that never get any R+D points after the initial award. Am I missing something? Is there something I can do, or is the R+D point award system geared to stay away from those items? Thanks?

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Sun, May 17 2020 1:49 PM

    They are harder to come by. The Regular ones are the ones that come up more often. The optics of it now pretty much make it look like it would take forever to get the Rare/Epic items up to Level 10. The Rare and Epic ones should come up more frequently than they currently do, even if it was just with much smaller R&D values 1-2 each time. 
    I'm not  sure if they are more frequent on the higher $$$ rooms as (based on the info button for each coin room) some differences between the level of sponsor box available in each room (???)

  • Fifibagge
    13 Posts
    Sun, May 17 2020 4:02 PM

    Hmm. I pretty much always play Chelsea (500/900) during sponsorship play. I have tried other rooms, but not any more costly than that. Maybe I'll try something more expensive and report back. Any other folks out there got a guess? Thanks.

  • Guilfe
    101 Posts
    Fri, Jan 1 2021 5:50 AM

    I play a lot Casablanca (Phigolf) and sometimes Shanghai... Same issue. I don't get any R&D points for Rare and Epic items. I tried also wearing them and selecting the same sponsor, because normally you get R&D for the items you wear more (at least that's what I think) and certainly of the sponsor you select (at least one item of that sponsor every time). Maybe it is just a matter of patience....


  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Sun, Jan 3 2021 9:12 AM


    I play a lot Casablanca (Phigolf) and sometimes Shanghai... Same issue. I don't get any R&D points for Rare and Epic items. I tried also wearing them and selecting the same sponsor, because normally you get R&D for the items you wear more (at least that's what I think) and certainly of the sponsor you select (at least one item of that sponsor every time). Maybe it is just a matter of patience....


    The rare/epic items would have a much lower chance of getting them from an apparel box. The Platinum apparel box would guarantee at least 10 rare/epic apparel items but the other boxes would be a chance to receive them. Having them equipped wouldn't change the chance of getting these items. 

  • Guilfe
    101 Posts
    Mon, Jan 4 2021 11:20 PM

    Thanks for the clarification! .... patience then.

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Jan 5 2021 7:29 AM


    I play a lot Casablanca (Phigolf) and sometimes Shanghai... Same issue. I don't get any R&D points for Rare and Epic items. I tried also wearing them and selecting the same sponsor, because normally you get R&D for the items you wear more (at least that's what I think) and certainly of the sponsor you select (at least one item of that sponsor every time). Maybe it is just a matter of patience....


    if you're doing a sponsorship which lasts 30 minutes then it's best to play one hole rooms. you can get in 5-7 rounds in that amount of time. Tokyo is the highest one hole room at a 250k bet. Rio is 50k. 

    i experimented for 3 months and Tokyo has a much higher drop rate of gold and platinum boxes than Rio. but of course don't pick a room that your winning % is horrible in.



  • Spangled04
    28 Posts
    Sat, Jan 9 2021 10:13 AM

    I believe the purpose of rare and epic is to have apparel that looks different than most players not to gain ability. 

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Mon, Jan 11 2021 7:51 AM


    I believe the purpose of rare and epic is to have apparel that looks different than most players not to gain ability. 

    can gain better stats but not until they get to level 8. and that takes forever.