I'd hold out until L70 and get the Phantom. I used that one, and currently use the L98 version. I haven't really noticed much difference between the two, although I prefer the M2 meter scale of 10/20/50... available on the L98. The L70 is good enough to be the last putter you ever buy.
If you don't think the 15/30/60... meter scales will suit you, try the MAX Control putter available at Master tier. I had that one, too, and it plays similarly to the Phantoms. You could probably play the Control putter forever, as well. It has more meter scales than any other putter: 10/20/30/40/60/80/100/200/300.
That said, I'm just one guy. There are those who prefer the Spiders over the Phantoms. It depends on your method/style. I tried two of them, but didn't like them at all. If you don't like the Control or the Phantom, try a Spider.