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Help with Apparel level 9 and 10

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Fri, May 22 2020 5:24 AM (6 replies)
  • mrm6400
    1,814 Posts
    Wed, May 20 2020 9:03 AM


    I have a question about the apparel levels in their advancement ?

    When I reached level 9 on say the SE Pants and it says it is Maxed out but it is asking me to spend 100,000 coins to advance to the next level.  I thought if it was maxed out that was it but then I did see someone with level 10 so what is going on here ?

    What do I get for the 100,000 coins ? 

    Is this to get to level 10 ? 

    I read somewhere about getting some of your coins back sometimes even when you lose a round.  Somewhere it said all the apparel had to be same brand and meet a few requirements on rare or epic items.  Can someone help me to understand this.

    I am starting to acquire a good inventory of apparel and did upgrade golfer abilities so I have stat apparel and appearance apparel and I get that and enjoy wearing the different looks.  But I only have enough coins to upgrade a few items so want to know what I was getting or doing before I spend the 100 k on the last upgrade of a certain apparel item.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.


  • ZirjoGondar
    94 Posts
    Wed, May 20 2020 9:52 PM

    I only have two apparel items at Level 10.  The 100,000 coins it took to get them from L9 to L10 just maxed out the abilities bonuses.  For common apparel, L10 gets you either 5% or 80 basis points toward club attribute boosts.  Most of my L9 stuff is at 4% or near 70 points, for comparison.  You might want to horde your coins for now if you're that strapped; you still get L9 bonuses until you can afford to unlock some items to L10.

    The coins back special activates when you equip all 5 apparel abilities slots with Top Golf gear of the same rarity (all common, all epic, or all rare), and then play a coin game.  If your TG apparel is all at least L4, you get a 5% chance of 50% of your entry fee back if you lose.  L6 apparel gives you a 10% chance for the 50% refund, and L9 gives you a 15% chance. 

  • mrm6400
    1,814 Posts
    Thu, May 21 2020 6:00 AM

    Just posting again in hopes that someone has some knowledge about this apparel level question I have.

    Thanks for sharing if you can.

    Much Appreciated,


  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Thu, May 21 2020 10:00 AM

    - When it says “Maxed” that means that you have gotten all the R&D points required for that item to upgrade it to level 10. Once you upgrade a Maxed item to level 10 then you will receive silver coins rather than R&D points if you get them in a sponsor pack in the future (200 coins for each R&D point)
    - Yes the 100,000 coins will upgrade the item you are talking about to level 10.
    - What you read about receiving coins back is referring to  a “Set Bonus” to get a set bonus you will need to equip all 5 items from the same sponsor (max, se, c&m, ect) and the need to all be at at least level 4. It says they must be the same rarity as well but I’m not sure if that matters but either way it will be easier to get them all to other required level as regular items anyway.  Each sponsor has a different reward for their Set Bonus. If you go to your items and click on something from each sponsor you will see a little “i” with a circle around it under that item. Click on there to see what each sponsor’s bonus is. 
    When you are equipping your items  you will also see a Set Bonus info bar at bottom with a number like  X / 5, once you get this to 5/5 by equipping all the same sponsor’s items it will turn green indicating that you have qualified for the set bonus. 

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Thu, May 21 2020 10:33 AM

    Another tip I would recommend to anyone who is playing Mobile/PCEA/Steam is to activate/unlock the Appearance tab option in your Apparel (500 credit cost) This will allow you to chose 1 set of apparel just for its enhancement attributes (Abilities Tab) and a second and separate set just for the look of your avatar (Appearance Tab)

  • mrm6400
    1,814 Posts
    Thu, May 21 2020 11:30 AM


    Thanks for the great info.  Will give me confidence to spend the 100 k and move on from there. 

    Sure do appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge of how the apparel and levels work.

    And yes I agree the Abilities upgrade for 500 credits is great.  You get to keep the stats gear active and under the appearance tab you can choose any combo of apparel you want and do not give up extra stats.  Plus you can unlock a lot of apparel for the 500 credits you get to use them anytime you want and in any combo you want.

    Thanks again ,



  • mrm6400
    1,814 Posts
    Fri, May 22 2020 5:24 AM

    Thanks guys.  I now have all apparel the same as I choose Swing Edge.

    Did not realize it but I have all SE apparel at level 9 and one maxed at 10.

    Did notice that I got an extra bonus in coin rooms and got a bonus box of apparel points to help advance even quicker.

    But also noticed that now I just get the regular coin payout at the end instead of my extra coins that I was use to since I was using 3 different items that pay out extra coin %.

    It is fine though I will just leave it as it is and over time I guess it will all work itself out.

    Can't wait to loose and still get some coins...…

    Thanks again for helping me to better understand how coins and apparel and levels work.

    Did wonder does it help in the future to get more than one type of apparel maxed and set the bonus.  Do you get both say Swing Edge and then say you max out Top Golf apparel do you get more or do you just get the one that you are using for stats apparel.

