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Can anyone name a pro who only drives 200m?

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Tue, May 26 2020 2:16 AM (19 replies)
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  • ZolanHCroft
    2 Posts
    Sat, May 23 2020 5:13 AM


    I am golfer and am new to WGT and I love it ... except for a 3 pretty major flaws 

    Major Flaw #1 - You don't increase distance as you level up!!!

    Seriously, (refer to my subject line).  I am now a "pro" but there are par 4s I can't reach in 2.  And I only drive the ball a little over 200m (unless its downhill or with the breeze)

    Major Flaw #2 - Equipment costs so damn much.

    This game is supposed to be fun, and the equipment costs WAY too much.  I don't think its fair that people can buy equipment (for rididulous amounts) and then dominate.  

    Major Flaw #3 - Rank means nothing

    A "hack" can challenge a Tour Pro ??? and beat them ???

    On what planet where would this happen.

    And even if it did happen, where's the reward for the "hack" (and where's the shame for the Pro?)

    This is so simple to fix and the effects would be ... AMAZEBALLS!!!

    Please can you fix these flaws

    I'm a Business Analyst by trade (and a passionate golfer)

    I would LOVE to have a conversation with some of your devleopers. (you know how/where to find me.)  Please please please get in contact with me I reckon I could make this platform one of the all time greatest games ever. 

    You've just got a couple of things wrong guys, just a few.

    This game is good now but could be SERIOUSLY good with just a few small tweaks

  • BOZskills
    417 Posts
    Sat, May 23 2020 1:20 PM

    There are pros (teaching pros) who only drive the ball 230yrds. I think you're confusing pro with tour pro etc. Equipment is determined by wgt based on their business model, i would think you would understand that based on your post. Lastly the reward is coins (value of coins has been discussed ad nauseam),why shame someone? It is possible for a lesser player to beat a higher tiered player,thru different tees,that's golf! Putting is the great equilizer.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, May 23 2020 10:13 PM

    #1 - You don't increase distance as you level up!!!
    Wouldn't that be too cheap? Just grind along and gain performance?
    Here, we gain opportunities to go shopping - isn't that great?!?

    #2 - Equipment costs so damn much.

    This game is supposed to be fun, and the equipment costs WAY too much.  I don't think its fair that people can buy equipment (for rididulous amounts) and then dominate.

    So you would like to dominate by level - how fair is that to the players?

    Plus, how fair would it be to the company? They put in all the effort to prepare this fine game for us, and you'd take the revenue away from them? As an Analyst, please tell me how they might be able to continue without our money?

    Good thing for us is that recreational fun is available at low cost. Only top expectations call for top spending.

    #3 - Rank means nothing
    Of course! In a competitive environment, rank means nothing! You shouldn't win by your paper title!
    Lower tiers = less experienced players get some slack by their forward tees, usually, to give them the ghost of a chance.

    With your Analyst spectacles minus your golf gloves, it's easy to see how well thought out this grinding money sucker of a game is designed. It even has a Golden Calf as a bait!

  • bossbird
    2,241 Posts
    Sun, May 24 2020 5:51 AM

    If you cannot reach a par 4 in two shots then practice long and hard to get your wedges perfected. Being the longest driver doesn’t always mean the best golfer. Learn course management , learn where to place your shots to takes advantage of the run of the ball . If you really want to , and to be fair , I haven’t but many top players map accurately all their clubs and all the courses. Nothing is worth anything if it isn’t gained through hard work and experience. As in life you cannot have everything all at once.

    also if you don’t want to spend real money on the virtual game , watch the free videos every day , complete the surveys , and don’t waste money on balls until you have clubs that will last you a long time and at a high enough level to allow you to compete.

  • Nordglanz
    35 Posts
    Sun, May 24 2020 6:08 AM

    Distance is not really the problem, would be no fun if higher tier players could have 350 yard drivers. But it has been mentioned many times that gear should be based on tier not levels to make the game more realistic. That just wont happen because then we wouldnt have to buy many drivers, many 3ws etc over time. Pricing on the gear here dosent bother me but the prices of balls are just ridicolous and should be lowered immedietly by 30% at least. Tiers have unfortunatly become quite meaningless when you have all the red tee champs out there. It used to be hard making the highest tier (Tour Legend until 2014 i think) years back but now any bum can make Tour Champion by shooting from hack tees in CC tournies. Personally i will rather always be a TL then lower my average by shooting from easy tees.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sun, May 24 2020 6:15 AM

  • Fartman56
    65 Posts
    Sun, May 24 2020 3:13 PM

    You have only touched on the flaws. Another being the club availability to lower level players. The clubs should be available to the tier levels not just your level. That prevents level 138 masters with top notch clubs.

    There is no consistency from stroke to stroke with the winds and the altitude.

    I also feel that WGT has it's chosen players and if you are not part of the chosen there is nothing you can do to get better because WGT will not allow it.

    The cost though is the biggest flaw. I can buy real clubs for only a little bit more than there cost's. Send me the clubs if you are going to charge retail for them.

    WGT has gone from millions of players to what appears to be dozens only. But instead of trying to lure more players they just ignore there problems.My guess is they only have about 5% of what they had at there peak.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,663 Posts
    Sun, May 24 2020 3:42 PM

    The clubs should be available to the tier levels not just your level. That prevents level 138 masters with top notch clubs.

    This is paradoxal... You need better equipment to play better, but then you need to play better to acquire better equipment. Hmmm... :-/

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sun, May 24 2020 3:51 PM

    Regarding equipment by tier, here's a thread from about 5 years ago. The replies in this thread provide a better response than I could formulate.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sun, May 24 2020 3:59 PM


    The clubs should be available to the tier levels not just your level. That prevents level 138 masters with top notch clubs.

    This is paradoxal... You need better equipment to play better, but then you need to play better to acquire better equipment. Hmmm... :-/

    Not if the requirement to obtain better equipment is based on level...then all you need is time playing. Players will automatically level up to where they can purchase better equipment. 



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