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6’ putts

Tue, Jun 2 2020 7:25 AM (39 replies)
  • pdiehm
    304 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2020 8:23 AM

    These putts are driving me insane. Like I can’t even begin to describe the frustration. My make percentage is probably below 20%.  What’s the secret?  I almost prefer to have a 20’ putt.  

    I am using the Golden Putter.  I have tried dinging and I have tried off dinging.  If I am close it lips out, but usually it just edges equally on high and on low.  

    I am wondering If I am better off using the 98 Sabertooth, because I don’t think the GP is all that consistent with short putts.

    but it’s these short putts that are driving to to just stop playing...what’s the point of approaching well if you only make 1/5 inside of 6’?


  • pdiehm
    304 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2020 10:30 AM


    hole 6 is a classic example.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2020 12:51 PM

    but it’s these short putts that are driving to to just stop playing...what’s the point of approaching well if you only make 1/5 inside of 6’?

    I would guess you're trying to be too exact. Lipouts are generally caused by the wrong speed more than the wrong line. The side doors of the cup close if you're too fast and too slow allows the break to happen. Little putts on 13 greens break first and ask questions later if you baby them. 

    I don't hit less than 4 feet power on any of those and if you add a couple of feet to what you see, you can go back to dinging them but you have to learn to trust it.  :-)


    p.s., You will always miss the putt if you miss the ding on the downhill side of the slope.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2020 1:41 PM

    I don't hit less than 4 feet power on any of those and if you add a couple of feet to what you see, you can go back to dinging them but you have to learn to trust it.  :-)


  • TheSpark4
    42 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2020 10:29 PM

    Only had a look at the putt you ref on Hole 6 OP. Wasn’t hit anywhere nr firmly enough to make centre of the cup, hence why it tailed off. 
    A putt like that on 10.0 greens (5.1’ with a drop of 1.0”, leaves a putt of 4.1’), I’m looking to hit about 6.0’ on the 30’ scale. You hit yours 4.5’ from what I saw. 
    As a general rule, most of the top players will advocate hitting a putt to finish 2-3’ past the hole. This simply gives it the best chance of finding the back/centre of the hole, and is even truer on slower greens (such as 10.0’s in the vid) where lipouts are less prevalent than on 13-14+’s.
    The best players talk of effectively using the back of the cup as a backstop on short downhill putts in particular.....hard to train yourself to do so, but once you learn to trust your ‘reads’ confidence will grow and you’ll hole more putts.

    TL/DR, hit ‘em firmer. You aren’t gonna hole many hitting them as timidly as the one putt I saw there.
    Good luck 👍 

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,660 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2020 11:50 PM

    Wait until you get to TC tier where you'll have to putt on GS13+. It's gonna drive you even more insane! ;-P

    Putting on mobile (PCEA) has always been very sensitive and tricky so you've got to be extra prudent and make sure everything's precisely set up. Do not trust dot speed either, they're deceptive! I don't know if you started the game from PC or mobile but unless you played thousands and thousnads of rounds on PC to the point that you practically memorized all dot speed and breaks of every contour & corner of greens (Impossible? Trust me. I know someone who did!), putting was, is and always will be a pain in the butt. 

    Here is what I do though. I take notes every time I putt since I started playing back in 2016. I've got a list of over 60,000 putt DB (green speed, distance, elevation, power %, aim point, dinged/pulled/pushed). It surely increased my chance of making putts BUT! I still miss lots of them, often enough to believe that it's pretty much pointless to continue writing the DB, and just accept it as a part of the game.

    I watched you playing in the video. You aren't bad at all! As others already told you, be more aggressive with the short ones. I think that's the only thing you gotta do. Good luck! :-)

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Tue, May 26 2020 7:52 AM


    Wait until you get to TC tier where you'll have to putt on GS13+. It's gonna drive you even more insane! ;-P

    Putting on mobile (PCEA) has always been very sensitive and tricky so you've got to be extra prudent and make sure everything's precisely set up. Do not trust dot speed either, they're deceptive! I don't know if you started the game from PC or mobile but unless you played thousands and thousnads of rounds on PC to the point that you practically memorized all dot speed and breaks of every contour & corner of greens (Impossible? Trust me. I know someone who did!), putting was, is and always will be a pain in the butt. 

    Here is what I do though. I take notes every time I putt since I started playing back in 2016. I've got a list of over 60,000 putt DB (green speed, distance, elevation, power %, aim point, dinged/pulled/pushed). It surely increased my chance of making putts BUT! I still miss lots of them, often enough to believe that it's pretty much pointless to continue writing the DB, and just accept it as a part of the game.

    I watched you playing in the video. You aren't bad at all! As others already told you, be more aggressive with the short ones. I think that's the only thing you gotta do. Good luck! :-)

    Or 14 on 9 Hole Single Play. Tour Champions get 14.5

  • pdiehm
    304 Posts
    Wed, May 27 2020 4:40 AM

    so the formula I use to putt is ((Distance +/- Elevation) + 2) * Green Speed multiplier 0.69 12.0 greens (for example).  

    I am wondering, if I should make it a + 3 to add 3' to the putt in most, not all circumstances.  Obviously severe downhill putts like Merion, or Oakmont require a more delicate touch or else you have a 20' par save back up the hill which probably has a less than 1% chance of being made for players like me.

    The thing that is most difficult to me is applying enough break.  I know uphill breaks less than down hill but it's so difficult to go against your eye, and push that line out another 1/2 grid on downhill putts.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, May 27 2020 5:23 AM

    it's so difficult to go against your eye

    Try another tack-picture in your mind's eye what the putting arc should look like and then putt to the apex of that arc. Your "feel" for the putts will improve.

  • pdiehm
    304 Posts
    Wed, May 27 2020 5:35 AM


    it's so difficult to go against your eye

    Try another tack-picture in your mind's eye what the putting arc should look like and then putt to the apex of that arc. Your "feel" for the putts will improve.

    that's so hard to do on the mobile platform because the dots are moving so slow, but you judge on that, and it has a more severe break than what the dots are saying.  

    Like I'll see dots moving one way.  A SINGLE dot moving the other, and that single dot dominates the break.  putting just confuses me, always has.  Maybe I don't understand how to line up a putt to the apex of the arc?  

    I'd be willing to learn more about that.