pdiehm: My method for putting is this...((Distance +/- Elevation + 2) * Green Speed (ie: 0.64 for 13 greens). That's been getting me really close...I'm wondering if maybe that 2' extra should be a 1.5'...
I have a hard time understanding exact math like that when putting. When I look at a putt that basic +/- calculation is first. I already know whatever green speed I'm on so it becomes a matter of what I have to do to get as far as that math says. This is where the feel part comes in for me and it involves having more than one way to get that distance.
For instance, a 12 foot put down 3" says hit it 9 on the surface. Now is that a hard 9 or a soft 9? The putt is downhill so it's probably going to be a soft 9 and because I use avatar moves for distance control (doomed there-new version has no movements so I'm working on the values using the PP) I can get there 2 ways-one with the 15 scale and one with the 30 scale. If I miss with the 30 scale the putt is going to tend to lip out if I miss hit it and if the slope is not as steep as I think, the 15 scale putt might be short. I would opt for the softer 9 because it's 13 greens. I might take the harder 9 if it was 12 greens.
That kind of thinking is going to help you, IMO, more than using a calculator. Mind you, more players play with that calculator than don't so my way might take a while to get. Heh, been doing it that way from Day 1 so it's second nature but basically relies on the feel I get when looking at that arc I spoke of. :-)