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Whats the most coins you saw won in your league?

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jun 5 2020 3:09 PM (30 replies)
  • thunderbird
    381 Posts
    Sun, May 31 2020 7:10 PM

    The leader right now in my league has won 1.9 billion coins.  Wow thats amazing.  Has anyone seen more.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, Jun 1 2020 4:32 AM


     Wow thats amazing. 

    No not realy......

    Curing cancer, now thats amazing!


  • billycash74
    2,080 Posts
    Mon, Jun 1 2020 7:08 AM



     Wow thats amazing. 

    No not realy......

    Curing cancer, now thats amazing!


    but we arent on a cancer message board now are we. everyone has to be a smart mouth

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Mon, Jun 1 2020 7:44 AM

    i believe the biggest loss/win so far in just a single match is around 80 billion.i could be wrong tho. I don't see all of the big match screenshots. that's just the biggest i've seen and it wasn't all that long ago.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Tue, Jun 2 2020 3:19 AM




     Wow thats amazing. 

    No not realy......

    Curing cancer, now thats amazing!


    but we arent on a cancer message board now are we. everyone has to be a smart mouth

    sorry gobshite, 

    but as stated, nothing amazing there, move on!


  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,757 Posts
    Tue, Jun 2 2020 3:46 AM

    1.9 billion coins

    Un-f***ing-believable. No wonder the whole silver coin project's gone 86. Shouldn't it be considered as abuse and banned? It's like these guys are creating hyper inflation and making silver coins absolutely worthless.

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Jun 2 2020 6:42 AM


    1.9 billion coins

    Un-f***ing-believable. No wonder the whole silver coin project's gone 86. Shouldn't it be considered as abuse and banned? It's like these guys are creating hyper inflation and making silver coins absolutely worthless.

    um they've always been worthless. Only good for upgrading apparel. that's it. 

    Since the inception with the apparel coin bonuses. (most people use at least a couple pieces of coin apparel) and the TW bonuses it's really hard to have a net loss on  coins. You have to almost either do it on purpose or just be a bad player. Because even a 50% win will give you a profit. 

    Even Monaco doesn't make you go broke if you time it right.

    Top 100 mobile players probably control 99.9%+ of the coins in circulation. 

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,757 Posts
    Tue, Jun 2 2020 2:05 PM

    um they've always been worthless. Only good for upgrading apparel. that's it. 

    Yeah, that's basically what I'm saying. When the silver coin was first introduced, I'm sure it was meant to be something. I mean WGT probably had some specific plans for it but now due to this obnoxious abuse, everything's got called off, that's my guess.

    I've always found the idea of exchanging silver coins for credits in the rate of 1:1,000 attractive and reasonable, but once again, because of this abuse, I doubt it'll ever happen. :-(

  • billycash74
    2,080 Posts
    Tue, Jun 2 2020 5:13 PM





     Wow thats amazing. 

    No not realy......

    Curing cancer, now thats amazing!


    but we arent on a cancer message board now are we. everyone has to be a smart mouth

    sorry gobshite, 

    but as stated, nothing amazing there, move on!


    couldnt stop yourself from being rude to the OP now you cant stop yourself from being rude to me. ever occured to you that an overwhelming majority of humans could care less what you find amazing and what you dont? you dont have to be a jerk. go to the cancer forums and spread some love around there instead of being a jerk to people here on a GOLF forum where a GOLF question was posed. its really not that difficult to stay on topic. 

    im certain you are gonna come back with something you think is just awesome and cool and makes you appear to be a the 2nd coming of Einstein/Hawking so you can have the last word. trust me its not awesome or cool and neither are you. Guess you were a bully in school and have never grown up. sorry bro were adults here and you dont get to punk anyone out. 

    the last word is all yours sir.........

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Wed, Jun 3 2020 6:46 AM

    but once again, because of this abuse

    What do you mean by abuse?