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Tue, Jun 16 2020 10:25 AM (15 replies)
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  • MikeW1503
    24 Posts
    Mon, Jun 15 2020 7:02 AM

    So, I am in the 2nd cut off rough on the edge of the green.  The hole is above me, about 25yds away.

    My question is how the hell do you get anywhere close to the hole, let alone on the green?

    I tried about 30 different shots - NONE of them got anywhere near.  Either a few feet into the rough or miles through the green.

    I tried PW, 54 wedge, 64 wedge - all hit in a variety of ways - flop, chip, pitch - even full for the 64.  I tried hitting the ball in different spots - made no difference.

    I'm sure I will be told that it is just practise :)  Well, having exhausted every which way to hit a golf ball, I have to conclude that a, reasonably tricky, but not impossible shot is not possible in WGT.

    Certainly in the real world -  a flop shot or a chip would have got a decent result.

    This was practise - but I see these sort of situations in pretty much every game.  Far better players than me struggle as well - so practise doesn't seem to be the answer.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jun 15 2020 7:53 AM

    It's 100% that starter ball. You need a ball with at least some spin to open the door. The Tour-SD is a great value and has enough spin and distance to help you out a lot. Try the ones I sent you. If you want a slower meter, the Tour GI-SD is the same ball.  ;-)

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Mon, Jun 15 2020 8:02 AM

    punch or flop depending on wind. I can't see the rough % numbers or the wind direction to tell you better.

    The flop would be Full Back Spin.  the punch spin i'd add would depend on wind strrength and direction. 

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Mon, Jun 15 2020 8:28 AM


    So, I am in the 2nd cut off rough on the edge of the green.  The hole is above me, about 25yds away.

    My question is how the hell do you get anywhere close to the hole, let alone on the green?

    As YJ mentions, the starter ball is not going to stop. Complicate that by the fact that it's 40/50 rough and slight wind behind you, it is unlikely that you would ever be able to get it close.


  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Mon, Jun 15 2020 9:44 AM


    So, I am in the 2nd cut off rough on the edge of the green.  The hole is above me, about 25yds away.

    My question is how the hell do you get anywhere close to the hole, let alone on the green?

    I tried about 30 different shots - NONE of them got anywhere near.  Either a few feet into the rough or miles through the green.

    I tried PW, 54 wedge, 64 wedge - all hit in a variety of ways - flop, chip, pitch - even full for the 64.  I tried hitting the ball in different spots - made no difference.

    I'm sure I will be told that it is just practise :)  Well, having exhausted every which way to hit a golf ball, I have to conclude that a, reasonably tricky, but not impossible shot is not possible in WGT.

    Certainly in the real world -  a flop shot or a chip would have got a decent result.

    This was practise - but I see these sort of situations in pretty much every game.  Far better players than me struggle as well - so practise doesn't seem to be the answer.


    If this shot is your 3rd shot, you obviously played the previous shot wrong. You layed up to an unmanageable position and missed the fairway to boot. That's all you and bad course management. What follows is the course penalty for your mistake. 


    Re: Impossible shot, simply hole out from there. Nothing is impossible. 

    6,890 Posts
    Mon, Jun 15 2020 9:53 AM

    Impossible to get close with a "Starter Rock!!! You need to invest in some balls with "Spin" Callaway level 33 good ball for an inexpensive price....

  • Yiannis1970
    3,328 Posts
    Mon, Jun 15 2020 10:00 AM
    I tried PW, 54 wedge, 64 wedge - all hit in a variety of ways - flop, chip, pitch - even full for the 64.  I tried hitting the ball in different spots - made no difference.

    Made no difference cause there's a bug there. Been there many times. Same thing happens on Erin Hill on the hole with the bunkers at the entrance (can't remember the number of the hole, but it's in back 9s)
  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Mon, Jun 15 2020 12:25 PM

    I would use my 60 wedge   and hit it  33   on the meter scale about half of 60  full back spin

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Jun 15 2020 9:17 PM

    As YJ mentions, the starter ball is not going to stop.

    Add the low level (L8) wedges which would probably not offer a good trajectory + spin. With this combo, the goal may be just to end up on the green.

    Acknowledge that there was a mistake in the previous shot which was probably aimed at the green.

  • Rymie
    4 Posts
    Tue, Jun 16 2020 6:31 AM

    That hardly seems like the question they are asking.  We've all had moments (rare, likely) where we're in a spot like this.

    Be sensible with your response.

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