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Mouse Rubber-banding in EA

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jun 20 2020 6:32 PM (2 replies)
  • FalconDave
    45 Posts
    Fri, Jun 19 2020 7:51 AM

    Periodically my mouse pointer will freeze in EA. It occurs in both windowed and full screen mode. It occurred fro the first time yesterday after periodic use over the last two months with no issues. When it freezes it will actually move some, then it rubber bands back to the position is was in when the problem started. The fix is simply to hit the windows button, and then click back into the EA game window, then it works again for 5 seconds to few minutes. 

    I am using a programmable gaming mouse, but all I use in WGT are standard mouse buttons. 

    Since the problem starter yesterday, my suspicion is either a update to the EA game or an update to Windows created a situation in which the game is uncomfortable with my mouse.

    Has anyone else experienced this?  An suggestions? Needless to say, clicking in and out of the game constantly is not creating incentive me to learn to use the EA version. 

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Sat, Jun 20 2020 12:18 PM

    Have you tried putting fresh batteries in your mouse?  Sometimes mouse skips can be caused by batteries with low (inconsistent) voltage.

    Also, if you have one, try using a basic wired (USB) mouse and see if the problem persists.  That can at least tell you if it's a problem with your programmable gaming mouse (or its mouse driver not being compatible with the latest Windows update that just came out).

  • FalconDave
    45 Posts
    Sat, Jun 20 2020 6:32 PM


    Have you tried putting fresh batteries in your mouse?  Sometimes mouse skips can be caused by batteries with low (inconsistent) voltage.

    Also, if you have one, try using a basic wired (USB) mouse and see if the problem persists.  That can at least tell you if it's a problem with your programmable gaming mouse (or its mouse driver not being compatible with the latest Windows update that just came out).

    Thanks Sam. I use a wired USB mouse. No issues with in anywhere other than the EA version of WGT. I use it daily in games on several different platforms/services. The problem is intermittent. So, I'm sure that their is a local variable (something with my PC) I just haven't isolated yet. I had problems this AM, but no issues so far this evening.