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How come know green putting marker.?

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Sun, Jul 5 2020 6:14 PM (8 replies)
  • CooloutAC
    7 Posts
    Fri, Jul 3 2020 2:33 PM

    I normally play mobile  match play where i.have a green putting marker to assist putting.  do tourneys not have that festure?

  • alosso
    21,078 Posts
    Sat, Jul 4 2020 4:34 AM

    You've been promoted recently - congratulations!

    This feature may be unavailable to Pro+ level.

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Sat, Jul 4 2020 7:39 AM

    I don't believe it has anything to do with Promotion.

    The green putting meter aid (or crutch as I refer to it) is called "Putting Power Tip". It is essentially an aid that shows you how hard to hit the ball when putting. It can be turned On or Off in the options. It only works in some types of games (Coin Rooms, Scored & Practice Solo Ranked Rounds and possibly in others(??))

    It definitely does NOT work in Country Club or WGT Tournaments and may not work in other types of games(??) In other words, NO, it is NOT available all the time.

    In my personal opinion, once you get to a certain level you should probably turn it off in the options and rely on your own knowledge and skill, especially if you plan on playing in a lot of games where it will not be available anyway.

  • alosso
    21,078 Posts
    Sat, Jul 4 2020 10:47 AM

    Surprisingly, there is an option to switch on "putting power display", indicating that I might toggle it on/off in the game. Alas, I don't know how to do that(?)

    Perhaps the OP has switched it off?

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Sat, Jul 4 2020 12:03 PM

    Surprisingly, there is an option to switch on "putting power display", indicating that I might toggle it on/off in the game. Alas, I don't know how to do that(?)
    Perhaps the OP has switched it off?

    In Mobile/PCEA/Steam the “Power Putting Tip” is in the options menu that can be accessed at anytime, including during a game. I have no idea if this option is in the Flash version(???)

    The Op does have it turned on as they see it during Mobile matches (coin rooms) but is asking why he doesn’t see it In Tournaments. It just doesn’t work in Tournaments ... you have to figure out yourself how much power to put into your putt. 

    6,890 Posts
    Sun, Jul 5 2020 5:03 AM

    WOW its available "Anytime" in the PCEA??  It's only available in "Practice" rounds on flash...Has been that way since I joined...


  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Sun, Jul 5 2020 10:07 AM

    WOW its available "Anytime" in the PCEA??  It's only available in "Practice" rounds on flash...Has been that way since I joined... JD

    No one said "Anytime" in PCEA.  
    "Power Putting Tip" (PPT) is available for; 

    • Coin Room games - a meaningless side show game that has no bearing on a players stats, AVG, or for the most part Gold coin #'s. The only thing it's good for is Apparel and Almost useless Silver coins.
    • Solo Ranked Rounds (Scored and Practice) - Practice is exactly that, practice so no one should care about that (insert vintage A. Iverson meme here) and as far as Scored RR's, I guess someone could put up a stink about that, but in reality anyone who is using the feature is only really hurting themselves if they plan on playing anything outside of Coin games.

    Ultimately you can play your Solo Scored RR's with both Apparel and the PPT on and it will only handicap you if and when you try to play CC or WGT tournaments and do not have your "aids" to enhance you.

    Like i said I know for a fact that the "PPT" does NOT work in CC and WGT Tournaments (same as apparel) and I'm pretty sure that it doesn't work outside of the coin rooms and RR's mentioned above (but I'm only 99% sure about that as I have it turned off personally all the time)

    6,890 Posts
    Sun, Jul 5 2020 1:05 PM

    ahhhh OK M

  • BOZskills
    415 Posts
    Sun, Jul 5 2020 6:14 PM

    One correction the putting power tip meter,is not available in solo ranked rounds in the mobile version. Any round that would go toward a players avg. does not have the ppt available(ranked rounds and tournament rounds). Hope this clears it up for the op.