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Can't find anyone to play a Match Play Challenge???

Sat, Dec 19 2009 10:34 AM (21 replies)
  • Lobwedgex60
    74 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2009 10:30 AM

    Hi Kevep im not upset at all but i have to say i tried to play a game with you  several times but you always boot me out .I guess it is my average. I understand that but dont say you cant get matches when you can. Thanks and have a good day.

  • duffer66
    700 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2009 2:13 PM
    Easy solution for me, I live in TN and my brother lives in IL so no wagers for use. But we do play match games for a beer.
  • birdwell
    561 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2009 7:45 PM

    HAHA at WGT 20% rake is a farce.




    10% of 100cr + 10% of 100 cr = 10% of 200 cr

    not 20%


    your other points are good though!







  • Kevap
    38 Posts
    Fri, Dec 18 2009 2:07 PM

    Hey Lobwedge... why would I play a match play challenge that I would most likely lose???  Now that doesn't make sense at all.  It's morons like you that make this game less interesting.

  • teberthegrate
    6 Posts
    Fri, Dec 18 2009 4:22 PM

    i love it   try me anytime  iam on

  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Fri, Dec 18 2009 5:21 PM

    Hey Kevap,

    No need to get snarly on here my friend. You submitted a post, Lobwedge gave what I thought was a reasonable response - and polite into the bargain. So why jump down the guys throat and call him a moron ???????????? Really - just not what we want to see in these forums. Just creates agro - not required.

    If everyone playing matchplay didnt want to play because their opponents average was better than theirs - no one would play at all - right? 

    I think if the minimum amount was lower or you could maybe set your own minimum, then the rating issue wouldnt come into it at all. Also you'd probably find you win a few of those matches - dont forget - Matchplay is a different beast to stroke play.

    Lets face it - how do players improve ????? They play against better players - fact !!

    So lets lighten up and play golf.

    Happy hitting and have a great Xmas and New Year  :-)

    Cheers Doug


    701 Posts
    Fri, Dec 18 2009 5:41 PM

    Thanks Doug,I been trying not to respond to what he said but was fixing to when I came back to the thread.Thanks for saving me the trouble.


  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Fri, Dec 18 2009 11:57 PM

    My pleasure Larry


  • Lobwedgex60
    74 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 2:28 AM


    Hey Lobwedge... why would I play a match play challenge that I would most likely lose???  Now that doesn't make sense at all.  It's morons like you that make this game less interesting.

    Thats fine that you dont agree with what i said but the name calling is way out of line.  It is highly disrespectful and offensive.  Im not going to sit here and let you say that to me. What i said made sense.  Doug said it best  " If everyone playing matchplay didnt want to play because their opponents average was better than theirs - no one would play at all"   Even if i was wrong with what i said in my earlier post  there is no need for name calling i was just curious as to why you would post a thread in the forums saying you cant get matches when you have players willing to play you.  I hope you get all the matches you want but no need to make a disrespectful remark to a person making a reasonable comment in the forums. Have a good day.

    701 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 7:28 AM

    Very well said Lobewedge.Well said indeed!
