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Swing speed changed?

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Thu, Sep 29 2011 5:36 PM (8 replies)
  • birdwell
    561 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 8:12 AM

    My avatar seems to have doubled his swing speed overnight.

    anyone else notice this?


    (what I mean is that the animation seems to be faster - it actually seems to be smoother also and take less CPU cycles)


    I think some changes were made to animations - thus the avatar movements likely also had to be changed. I know you guys are mostly crying foul about WGT changing your 'clubs' but really it's not the clubs, it's the avatar that has been changed!

  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 8:28 AM

    Very nice idea WGT, less cycles meaning better meters meaning the cries for help have been answered (kind of).

    I also noticed the greens were playing truer to the formulas we use, which I found out rather annoyingly on one green. 

  • birdwell
    561 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 8:34 AM

    yeah I'm seeing the changes for what they are...


    they really really streamlined something with the avatar animations. Consequently, I am seeing much much better meter performance.

    lot's of griping about the avatar movements - whatever! get over it! the new movements are better now anyways.. (I will be releasin a 'white paper' proving this postulate when i get time.. lol)

    WGT improved the performance of their game, probably for the first time ever.



  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 8:36 AM

    I like your take, Bird. That other thread was an eye opener for me.

  • MBaggese
    15,372 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 9:12 AM

    I'm not digging the hyper speed swing, seems a bit cartoon-ish to me.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 10:05 AM

    they really really streamlined something with the avatar animations. Consequently, I am seeing much much better meter performance.

    Birdwell, since the avatar swing animation happens AFTER the meter run, after we click, and after the server determines the outcome and sends it to the client, I don't see how its possible for the faster swing animation to improve the meter performance.

  • birdwell
    561 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 10:50 AM

    Birdwell, since the avatar swing animation happens AFTER the meter run, after we click, and after the server determines the outcome and sends it to the client, I don't see how its possible for the faster swing animation to improve the meter performance.


    yes, but something has changed. Let me explain what I'm seeing....


    I mostly play this game in my shop (I am a carpenter and sculptor) I also write and produce music. Before a few days ago, those 2 things happened in the same place - my somewhat damp philly basement.. lol. After all the rain of late, and just getting frustrated on having to clean sawdust for hours before I wanted work on some music, I decided to move all my equipment to our bedroom. This includes the computer i used to play this game on - which is very a robust, perfectly maintained machine that rarely had a hiccup with this game.

    The router is in my shop, so this is the only place for me to get a hardwired connection. I set up an older desktop and spent a few hours yesterday and yesterday evening tweaking it. All i need it to do down here is run some CAD stuff - no problem - and play this game (well not that I need it to.. but you know what I mean!)

    AMD Barton core Athlon 2200+, 1 gig of RAM.

    stock this runs just a tick under the required processor speed for this game. Overclocked a little, and this system just barely meets the minimum requirements.

    I played a number of the weeklys just to test out this rig. Game was definitely playable, but I had to wait a few seconds after interacting with anything on the screen, or changing views, as the CPU usage would spike. And the meter was not great, but if I waited long enough, CPU useage would get under control and I could take a shot. Not easy to get a rhytem going when you have to watch the performance meter all the time.


    Today, after the update, this machine is having a much easier time. CPU usage only spikes to 100% when changing views - before it would spike when moving the aim marker, or in the backswing - not anymore.  In my backswing the CPU now spikes up to about 60-70% and quicky recovers - I'm not having to  wait so long before releasing the club.

    before the update, the CPU was hovering around 91-92% when displaying the putting grid. Now it is at 85-87% and much much smoother.

    I think that the changes to the avatar animation may have just been a small part of some optimizations they made - possibly due to all the problems they had over the weekend.

    A wild guess, yes, but one that is based on what I'm seeing.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 1:09 PM

    If you've read my posts on the meter Birdwell you know I advocate waiting for the CPU to settle down before releasing the swing.  We agree on that.

    I set my processor affinity to run the game on 1 of my 4 cores and watched the CPU usage.  Unlike you I did not see any significant changes from before.  It could be I'm running on high speed internet (25mbs download) so load times don't affect me as much.

    Only time will tell if these avatar optimizations will improve the multi-player disconnects we've all been seeing lately.  I don't know if they were meant to improve that, but one can hope.

  • birdwell
    561 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 5:36 PM

    If you've read my posts on the meter Birdwell you know I advocate waiting for the CPU to settle down before releasing the swing.  We agree on that.


    Actually we don't agree on that.....

    On my other machine I do not have to wait... I'd rather have my back swing and the release be one fluid motion - just like my real swing   (AS IF! i'm such a hack.. lol)

    Especially on the tee I like to move the mouse up, release the button when it gets to the end of the meter - while maintaining movement with the mouse - then as the swing starts to happen I am bringing the mouse back down and I am hitting the ding - the mouse is near the starting position when I hit the button to ding.. it's just a rhythm thing I developed that is mostly unconscious - and somewhat effective. :P

    I set my processor affinity to run the game on 1 of my 4 cores and watched the CPU usage.  Unlike you I did not see any significant changes from before.

    Even if you are limiting to a single processor in any modern quad core CPU - even if the frequency is the same as what I'm running, the newer quad's performance will be ten times what this old Barton core can do. The L2 cache has more than quadrupled and the FSB speed has more than doubled - not to mention the faster ram... so yeah I can understand that you don't see any performance increase. It's relative.


    Hopefully the changes do work out - unfortunately for the most part only the bad experiences and complaints usually get attention around here. :P