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Coin balance question. + Can't get on any surveys

rated by 0 users
Wed, Aug 19 2020 3:55 PM (1 replies)
  • xxcallmedavexx
    3 Posts
    Mon, Aug 17 2020 11:29 AM

    Been knocking the ball round the courses with basic set I was given playing more often since about 2016 .

    But I can't reach the long par fours on some big courses.

    System doesn't seem to acknowledge my UK post code or my age and therefore I cant partake in any surveys to boost my credits and buy equipment

    Anyhoo! Handicap 67 at the moment and I'm not too worried as I enjoy the game.


    I was fiddling in the FAQ's and found my account which had over 486,000 coins

    in the coin balance box  which I have earned

    How do I/ how can I use them. I'm using a laptop PC. 

    Thanks for any advice in advance

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Wed, Aug 19 2020 3:55 PM

    If you can access the WGT mobile app version via a phone or tablet ... OR download the version WGT has presented as an Early Release replacement of the flash version...

    You could use some of those coins to either play coin games or even "rent slightly better" coin rental clubs... by playing coin games, you can look into the Sponsor Apparel which is loved by some and hated by others.  

    What apparel will do.. is improve your clubs specs so that they play slightly better.

    As for coin rentals... I tried to gather some of the basic info on them awhile back to try and be helpful.. It should be viewable in this thread- 

    If the link doesn't work just search coin rental club specs...