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Fringe Flop Shot Question

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Thu, Jan 4 2024 11:31 AM (16 replies)
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  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Wed, Aug 19 2020 7:37 AM

    I personally don't like to play the flop shot, so I am not very familiar with it.

    Today I had an uphill shot (3') into a 7-9 breeze from 24 yards. I was on the fringe, and I can not remember flopping from the fringe before. Due to the slope of the green and distance, I thought this would be easy to flop it inside a foot, and the best shot. I hit a full flop with my MD 60 degree (26 yards) and with full backspin. The ball carried 28 yards.

    My question... Do flop shots always play long from the fringe?

    I am not looking for advice on how to play the shot in the future. I just want to know if this extra distance is common when playing a flop from the fringe.

    Thank you in advance


  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Wed, Aug 19 2020 8:06 AM

    first it depends on whether you are hitting the ding line or the first line to the left of the ding line.

    I mainly use the first line to the left (often called the flop line). the ball travels straight as opposed to flying to the right.

    However i still use the ding line situationally based on yardages and landing on downhills etc.


    So assuming flat landing area if you hit the flop line then most fringe add 2 yards. however some courses and holes are 1.. some are even 3.

    if hitting the flop line then most of the time it's hit the distance listed for fringe. most of the time.



  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Wed, Aug 19 2020 8:31 AM


    So assuming flat landing area if you hit the flop line then most fringe add 2 yards. however some courses and holes are 1.. some are even 3.

    if hitting the flop line then most of the time it's hit the distance listed for fringe. most of the time.

    I use the ding for flops. When you say "add 2 yards" do you mean the shot from fringe will be playing two yards short, or two yards long? 

    To clarify my original post, I had 24 yards to hole. Given the conditions, I felt I needed to add 2 yards. The ball actually carried 28 yards. I used a club that should only go 26 yards with full swing. I have never had a flop shot into a breeze and uphill carry that far. I don't think I have ever had one play long even on the flat and with no wind. So I am wondering if it is common for the ball to carry an extra 2-4 yards when being played from the fringe.

    My reason for questioning is because I know pitch and chip shots play very different from the fringe than from the fairway.



  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Wed, Aug 19 2020 9:19 AM

    if you use the ding line then "most of the time" just play the listed yardage if in fringe. so that would have been 24 yards. 

    I tried that MD wedge and didn't like the yardage gap on it so i don't remember how it flops. It might have the same error that the 64 degree cleveland does on flops.

    100% flop on the 20 yard flop actually goes 1 yard further.

    So let's say im in fairway and I'm 17 yards away. normally i add 4 if in fairway and use FBS. 

    and i hit the flop line not the ding line (normally). so that math comes to 21 yards of power.

    if i hit the 20 yard wedge at 100% and hit the flop line it will be just about right.

    if the math comes to 20. i usually will hit it about 97.5%.

    or if i wanted to i could hit the ding line move the marker over and hit it 19 power which would be 95%

    it takes 2 more yards of power to travel same distance when talking about flop line vs ding line.

    anyway full power may go further than you think on that wedge. i really don't know.



  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Wed, Aug 19 2020 10:51 AM


    My question... Do flop shots always play long from the fringe?

    I am not looking for advice on how to play the shot in the future. I just want to know if this extra distance is common when playing a flop from the fringe.

    Yes they do.  If my flop is from the fringe, I subtract 1½ to 2 yds from my distance, after doing my calculations.

  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Wed, Aug 19 2020 11:00 AM



    My question... Do flop shots always play long from the fringe?

    I am not looking for advice on how to play the shot in the future. I just want to know if this extra distance is common when playing a flop from the fringe.

    Yes they do.  If my flop is from the fringe, I subtract 1½ to 2 yds from my distance, after doing my calculations.

    Thank you!

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Wed, Aug 19 2020 7:06 PM

    A more useful rule of thumb is that lofted shots from the fringe go about 10% further. Works for flops, but also for full shots if you end up on the fringe at the front of, say, the 8th at Chambers.

  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Wed, Aug 19 2020 7:24 PM


    A more useful rule of thumb is that lofted shots from the fringe go about 10% further. Works for flops, but also for full shots if you end up on the fringe at the front of, say, the 8th at Chambers.

    That is good to know. It seems so rare that I end up on the fringe that far away, that I had never noticed. I'll pay attention when it happens next.


  • Babzilla33
    910 Posts
    Wed, Aug 19 2020 11:11 PM


    I personally don't like to play the flop shot, so I am not very familiar with it.

    Today I had an uphill shot (3') into a 7-9 breeze from 24 yards. I was on the fringe, and I can not remember flopping from the fringe before. Due to the slope of the green and distance, I thought this would be easy to flop it inside a foot, and the best shot. I hit a full flop with my MD 60 degree (26 yards) and with full backspin. The ball carried 28 yards.

    My question... Do flop shots always play long from the fringe?

    I am not looking for advice on how to play the shot in the future. I just want to know if this extra distance is common when playing a flop from the fringe.

    Thank you in advance


    Another thing to keep in mind is the 60W has less loft than the 64W. This can account for an increase in distance but also a decrease in bite, as such hitting from the fringe translates to hitting more ball than grass. 




  • borntobesting
    9,752 Posts
    Thu, Aug 20 2020 4:09 AM

    I rarely use the flop anymore. The punch with the 64 degree Cleveland wedge is just too accurate. 

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