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People complaining about slow pace of play!

Fri, Sep 11 2020 2:25 AM (23 replies)
  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Sep 1 2020 7:18 AM



    Purchase this

      And play for 2 days straight . Your CC will love you . Lol .


    mobile doesn't need that speed boost I don't know about PCEA.

    can fast forward all the shots. fast forward button.


    to OP: Just block the player, don't bother answering,  and play your game. no reason to justify anything.

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Tue, Sep 1 2020 11:38 AM

    Who cares what they think. I play this game for my own leisure, and not for anyone else. It’s either play or scram.

  • Cicero733
    2,319 Posts
    Tue, Sep 1 2020 1:45 PM

    I believe at times in coin rooms at least your opponent complaining about slow play is a tactic. Your opponent is trying to force you to speed up in the hope that you will make an error. WGT gives you 45 secs for a reason. The rules of the game allow you to use it as you see fit.

  • Slicer0953
    10 Posts
    Tue, Sep 1 2020 7:31 PM

    Wow! What a great discussion.  I learned a lot reading through the responses to your post. I have been frustrated of late with the coin play and the number of players telling me to hurry.  I hadn't seen it before.  Now I understand better what they are doing.  I use the time I need because I want to perform well.  Some of the players go so far as to start bullying me and complaining about the money I spend on equipment.  Anything to get me to hurry and play poorly.  Thanks to all that say to just ignore them, turn off the chat, or just play on.  It can be hard at times however not to read the chat as most players are friendly and you want to connect.  I find myself blocking players now and I never had to do that before.  Again, thanks to Forum for your enlightenment.

  • Imahacker58
    375 Posts
    Wed, Sep 2 2020 1:09 AM

      You are entitled to your opinion . But it is a selfish one . And there is no time period used that would warrant any abuse .

    In what way is my opinion a selfish one, I stated that we have 45 seconds and are entitled to use as much or little of that as we need. If you read all my post you would see I play most shots quite rapidly, often within 10 seconds of the allotted time starting, but I don’t get my knickers in a knot if the other player takes 44 seconds, and as for abuse I agree there is no place for it but surprise surprise, it happens. I did trash talk a TC once from the Boomers when I beat him but felt so bad I sent him a sleeve if his TM’s and apologised. 

  • Imahacker58
    375 Posts
    Wed, Sep 2 2020 1:13 AM


    I believe at times in coin rooms at least your opponent complaining about slow play is a tactic. Your opponent is trying to force you to speed up in the hope that you will make an error. WGT gives you 45 secs for a reason. The rules of the game allow you to use it as you see fit.

    +1, I like to play my shots quickly but don’t care how long my opponent takes, not going to have a stroke over a video game,lol.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Sep 2 2020 2:38 AM


    I believe at times in coin rooms at least your opponent complaining about slow play is a tactic. Your opponent is trying to force you to speed up in the hope that you will make an error. WGT gives you 45 secs for a reason. The rules of the game allow you to use it as you see fit.


    If you have 45 seconds, you can use 44 of it. If they don't like the pace of play, find someone else.