JDGHOST: Coin Room and what else I wonder?
Playing on an iPad, I successfully invited a PCEA club member to three holes. Had the choice to do 9 also but we were just experimenting.
Yes, it was a random 3 by WGT and yes it was stroke play, not match. But no coin room was required and no coins were on the line. Just a nice time with a friend.
I still dislike the chat feature where I cannot watch play while also typing, but at least we can play with each other, mobile to PCEA as well as PCEA to mobile. That’s a very good improvement from when mobile members could not ever play with members who owned only laptops and desktop PC’s.
The FAPC will no longer be a club with two separate sections who can only play with other members who are in their section.
PM’ing is vastly improved as well, With it being taken off the Flash programming, it is now more consistently available to mobile members than ever before.