HenryKawa: I've decided NOT to leave.
On a positive note, I won a sleeve of balls from a friend that I bet the claim of leaving was a bunch of BS as usual.
I think the vast majority of public declarations about leaving are BS. There's a lot of venting that goes on and frustrations with the game displayed here in the forum, but how many times over the years have we seen someone scream blue murder about what a scam the whole thing is and how they were done giving WGT their money....only to carry on playing six times a day...?
Some people (I'm sure many of us can think of one or two specific examples) are egregious examples of this as they have announced several times they are leaving, definitely leaving this time....etc etc.....
I have no doubt that many thousands of players actually will leave after Dec 29th, but they will just drift away quietly and without fuss.