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Clash Results

Sat, Oct 10 2020 5:24 PM (2 replies)
  • MikeSaxon
    177 Posts
    Thu, Oct 8 2020 3:17 PM

    Hi all,

    There are clashes every two weeks where a lot of time, effort and money spent by the thousands of people who partake in them, but (and this may be my fault) there doesn't appear to be a place where I can read the results - or am I just looking in the wrong places?


  • alosso
    21,078 Posts
    Fri, Oct 9 2020 8:40 PM

    On the general leaderboard, you may see who won the Golden Calf and in which place your CC finished. The individual results disappear once the competition is over.

    It points to the amount of care which is devoted to the

    time, effort and money spent
    after raking in the fees.

  • MikeSaxon
    177 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2020 5:24 PM


    I know the WGT rake in the pounds/dollars/euros, which surprises me (or perhaps not), as to why more isn't made of clash results.

    It seems like entice players in but make no recognition of their efforts.

    Just my thought.


    ps: Thank you though for answering me.