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deleting unwanted and uninvited friends on my list

Sat, Oct 24 2020 7:44 AM (23 replies)
  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2020 7:54 AM



    I can go to your Friends page and see your friends.  Are you able to go there yourself and see them, and delete them from there?


    You can but....Even after hitting "Remove" they still show up on list and going to their profile only leaves option of "Add as Friend" Im sure its a bug, may straighten out and may not. 

    This is on Flash version, I dunno if it happens on EA or Mobile...


  • AlaskanDame
    19,827 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2020 10:02 AM


    AKD, is that on Flash or on the new PC app?

    Flash and mobile.

  • mbcarp99
    1,078 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2020 11:00 AM

    it's impossible to have a friend on your list that you didn't accept a friend invite from or sent one
    That's not correct. I often find unasked and unaccepted "friends." I just "remove" them.

    Do you also find yourself forgetting little things, people names, where you've put things, you know, that sort of thing :)

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2020 12:04 PM

    I often find unasked and unaccepted "friends." I just "remove" them.

    A while back, I seem to recall someone mentioning that as well. There appears to be some sort of glitch or hack out there that allows it to take place. 

  • mbcarp99
    1,078 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2020 3:21 PM


    I often find unasked and unaccepted "friends." I just "remove" them.

    A while back, I seem to recall someone mentioning that as well. There appears to be some sort of glitch or hack out there that allows it to take place. 

    Can't see any advantage in hacking onto someones friend list, so if it can happen must only be a glitch, i have been here 8 years and have never had a friend on my list who wasn't there by design and i don't know of anyone else who has! but anythings possible here where glitches are concerned

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2020 3:48 PM

    Can't see any advantage in hacking onto someones friend list, so if it can happen must only be a glitch,

    Sometimes, people do stuff just to see if they can do it. 

  • bossbird
    2,260 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2020 4:33 AM

    I have had friends appear on my friends list , unaccepted or uninvited , I have just deleted and blocked them . When I have told WGT , they could offer no explanation , and that was the only advice they gave.

  • VanMeerV
    1,038 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2020 4:38 AM


    Can't see any advantage in hacking onto someones friend list, so if it can happen must only be a glitch,

    I would say yes your right but happens way to often and the reason being if they can hack into a persons account they can take money off there card if there is one on file. Reason enough I would say. Over 7 years had my account gotten into 1 time but does happen. With wgt changing I would say it will happen more by the end of the year. what ya think ?



  • mbcarp99
    1,078 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2020 3:04 PM



    Can't see any advantage in hacking onto someones friend list, so if it can happen must only be a glitch,

    I would say yes your right but happens way to often and the reason being if they can hack into a persons account they can take money off there card if there is one on file. Reason enough I would say. Over 7 years had my account gotten into 1 time but does happen. With wgt changing I would say it will happen more by the end of the year. what ya think ?



    Hacking on to someones friend list and hacking on to their account are two totally different things, if you were hacking on to someones account why would you leave a trace by also hacking on their friends list, come on get real. This has become laughable, the OP said they had lots of uninvited 'pests' on their friends list, so all these so called hackers just picked the OP to hack on to his friends list but not mine or anyone i know....  really!!!!

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2020 3:11 PM

    I would say yes your right but happens way to often and the reason being if they can hack into a persons account they can take money off there card if there is one on file. Reason enough I would say. Over 7 years had my account gotten into 1 time but does happen. With wgt changing I would say it will happen more by the end of the year. what ya think ?

    I could see someone doing it just to see if they could do it or test something out. Also, people just do strange stuff to entertain themselves. it's tough for them... living in their mom's basement and all. 😉

    But I don't see it more or less often going forward.