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Coin Games Division Demotion

Mon, Jun 7 2021 4:31 PM (35 replies)
  • jaymeister13
    1 Posts
    Thu, Oct 15 2020 8:13 AM

    Last week I was in the Diamond I division and finished 65th, which is above the cut line for demotion to Diamond II. But I was demoted to Diamond II this week. Why would this happen?

  • TopShelf2010
    10,962 Posts
    Thu, Oct 15 2020 10:07 AM


  • bossbird
    2,240 Posts
    Thu, Oct 15 2020 11:20 AM

    Every week the division stats finish, you stay , go down or go up, but you have to continue to play and win each week to go up , stay or go down. On mobile app you can check where you are as the week goes on , by tapping play now , then at top of screen there is a bar , showing my division progression , tap that to see the leaderboard and where you are in it .

  • BigJohn14520
    125 Posts
    Thu, Oct 15 2020 12:29 PM

    Like a number of you I play the coin room every week.  What I don't understand is how do some of the folks earn 100s of millions of coins.  I've seen some win over a billion coins in just a few days.  How is that possible?  Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining, Just can't figure out how they win so many coins.

  • Cicero733
    2,318 Posts
    Thu, Oct 15 2020 2:21 PM

    You can remain in the same division for 2 weeks. If at the end of the two weeks you have not accumulated sufficient coins to move up to the next division, you are moved back one division. In your case I would guess that you scored sufficient coins to remain in your current division, but did not accumulate enough coins to advance to the next division. If you look at your standing in the aggregate, you will see three “sub divisions” within your division

    1. Advancing up one division (top 30 coin earners)

    2. Remaining in your division (30 coin earners who have not accumulated sufficient coins to advance, but have sufficient coin earnings to maintain position)

    3. Moving back one division (everybody who is not a 1 or 2 or has been a 2 for a 2 week period)

    Advancing in mobile divisions is all based on coin earnings for the week.


  • BOZskills
    417 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2020 6:21 AM


  • bossbird
    2,240 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2020 1:28 PM


    Sorry,but coins have no bearing on your division progress. It is totally based on xps. This has been discussed many times in these forums.                

          After posting this i took bossbirds' advice and checked my progress on the leaderboard(which i have to admit i never knew about) and it says i've won over 2million coins this week. This is only possible if you don't subtract my losses! Which again brings us back to the more you play the more you win regardless of your losses....hence xps.

    Sorry to disagree with you on this one. The figure displayed on the coin leaderboard is coins won in the coin rooms . I know this because at the start of a new week , if you check the leaderboard after you have won your first coin room match , the figure displayed is the exact coin figure you won in the match. Admittedly it’s a waste of time as it doesn’t take into account the losses when you lose in the coin rooms. In addition the turf war bonus for winning a turf war also gets credited to the leadership figures too.

  • Cicero733
    2,318 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2020 1:31 PM


    You are correct +1.

  • Connorjwebb123
    469 Posts
    Sun, Oct 18 2020 4:03 AM


    Sorry,but coins have no bearing on your division progress. It is totally based on xps. This has been discussed many times in these forums.                

          After posting this i took bossbirds' advice and checked my progress on the leaderboard(which i have to admit i never knew about) and it says i've won over 2million coins this week. This is only possible if you don't subtract my losses! Which again brings us back to the more you play the more you win regardless of your losses....hence xps.

    Sorry to disagree with you on this one. The figure displayed on the coin leaderboard is coins won in the coin rooms . I know this because at the start of a new week , if you check the leaderboard after you have won your first coin room match , the figure displayed is the exact coin figure you won in the match. Admittedly it’s a waste of time as it doesn’t take into account the losses when you lose in the coin rooms. In addition the turf war bonus for winning a turf war also gets credited to the leadership figures too.

    You are right bossbird. Nothing xp related.
  • Nav919
    331 Posts
    Mon, Apr 12 2021 6:09 AM

    65th is (usually) not high snough to stay in 'DIAMOND 1'. I've always seen the Cut-Line around the 40 mark. 50 is very rare, so 65th is along way off the mark. Besides most would've been happy to be demoted to an easier room. Making a better chance of wins the next week unless your aiming to be in the Top10 for extra coins..